
Armed and Innocent(Movie, 1994)

2h | Genres: TV Movie, Drama, Thriller
Armed and InnocentRating: 2.3/5 (with 22 votes)
Armed and Innocent is an American crime/thriller made-for-TV film, directed by Jack Bender and starring Andrew Starnes, Gerald McRaney and Kate Jackson. Released in 1994, it was loosely based on actual events. ()
Movie poster of Armed and Innocent

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About Armed and Innocent

Based on a true story, an eleven year old boy left home alone, kills two intruders in self defense. He and his family then try to cope with the boy's anguish and the dead intruders' friends who want revenge.

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 6 languages: German (DE), English (EN), French (FR), Italian (IT), Dutch (NL), Russian (RU)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/04/1994

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:188130, Added: 04/23/2018, Last updated: 08/23/2024