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Another Day in Paradise(Movie, 1998)

| 1h 41min | Genres: Thriller, Crime, Drama
Another Day in ParadiseRating: 3.2/5 (with 5454 votes)
Another Day in Paradise is a 1998 American crime drama film directed by Larry Clark, and starring James Woods, Melanie Griffith, Vincent Kartheiser and Natasha Gregson Wagner. Set in the 1970s, its plot follows a teenage drug addict who, along with his girlfriend, are taken in by a middle-aged couple. The pair persuade the teenagers to help them commit a series of increasingly complicated and dangerous drug robberies. Based on the 1997 novel of the same name by Eddie Little, Another Day in Paradise is Clark's second feature film; it won the Grand Prix award at the 1999 Festival du Film Policier de Cognac. After originally earning the rare NC-17 rating, the American theatrical release was edited for the purpose of obtaining an R, reducing the running time from 105 to 101 minutes. Clark's original cut ran over 140 minutes. ()
Movie poster of Another Day in Paradise

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About Another Day in Paradise

A vending machine robbery by small time thief and drug addict Bobbie (Vincent Kartheiser) goes badly awry, and his friends contact street-wise thief and part-time druggie Mel (James Woods) to patch him up.Recognizing a kindred spirit, Mel befriends Bobbie and his girlfriend Rosie (Natasha Gregson Wagner), inviting them to join him and his long-suffering girlfriend Sid (Melanie Griffith) on a drug robbery which should set them up for life. The seemingly simple robbery is a great success, but the sale of the drugs afterward fails badly, and Mel and Bobbie are shot.The four take refuge with the Reverend, who charges them half of their haul from the robbery to care for them. In a desperate attempt to recover their losses, Mel involves the crew in a disastrous, ill-advised jewellery robbery, and they become caught up in a web of violence that rapidly spirals out of control.

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Trailer for Another Day in Paradise + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

Trailer 1(Trailer, 1:37)

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Trailer 1 (Trailer) | Deutscher Trailer (Trailer, DE)

Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 15 languages: Bulgarian (BG), Danish (DA), German (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Hebrew (HE), Hungarian (HU), Italian (IT), Georgian (KA), Korean (KO), Dutch (NL), Polish (PL), Russian (RU), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 12/30/1998
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Another Day in Paradise - Wir leben am Abgrund"
"Un altro giorno in paradiso"
Keywords: addict, murder, robbery, drugs

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Other movies with this title: Another Day in Paradise (2008), Another Day in Paradise (2016), Another Day in Paradise (2020)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:15686, Added: 02/19/2018, Last updated: 02/09/2025