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1901 Movies

Public list by WPS with 43 movies or TV shows/series

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43 movies found (page 1/2):

The Man with the Rubber Head(1901)

3min | Comedy, Fantasy
3.6/5 (with 63 votes)

A chemist carries out a bizarre experiment with his own head.


10min | Drama, Horror, Fantasy
3.1/5 (with 26 votes)

A young woman becomes the eighth wife of the wealthy Bluebeard, whose first seven wives have died under mysterious circumstances.

History of a Crime(1901)

5min | Drama, Crime
2.9/5 (with 22 votes)

A convicted criminal dreams about his past the night before his execution.

The Big Swallow(1901)

1min | Comedy
3.2/5 (with 48 votes)

A man, objecting to being filmed, comes closer and closer to the camera lens until his mouth is all we see. Then he opens wide and swallows camera and cinematographer. He steps back, chews, and grins.

Directed by James Williamson

What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City(1901)

2.8/5 (with 23 votes)

A street level view from the sidewalk, looking along the length of 23rd Street. Following actuality footage of pedestrians and street traffic, the actors, a man in summer attire and a woman in an ankle-length dress, walk toward the camera.

The Prince of Magicians(1901)

2min | Fantasy, Comedy
3.2/5 (with 19 votes)

A magician does tricks with the aid of his assistant, the Human Pump.

Directed by Georges Méliès

Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre(1901)

3.3/5 (with 19 votes)

Time-lapse photography showing the one month-long demolition of the Star Theatre in New York.

The Countryman and the Cinematograph(1901)

1min | Comedy
2.7/5 (with 17 votes)

A satire on the way that audiences unaccustomed to the cinema didn't know how to react to the moving images on a screen - in this film, an unsophisticated (and stereotypical) country yokel is alternately baffled and terrified, in the latter case by the apparent approach of a steam train.

Directed by Robert W. Paul


5min | Action, Drama
2.9/5 (with 16 votes)

Firefighters ring for help, and here comes the ladder cart; they hitch a horse to it. A second horse-drawn truck joins the first, and they head down the street to a house fire. Inside a man sleeps, he awakes amidst flames and throws himself back on the bed. In comes a firefighter, hosing down the blaze. He carries out the victim, down a ladder to safety. Other firefighters enter the house to save belongings, and out comes one with a baby. The saved man rejoices, but it's not over yet.

Directed by James Williamson

President McKinley Taking the Oath(1901)

2.4/5 (with 12 votes)

President McKinley taking the Oath.

Directed by Thomas Edison - With William McKinley

Dream and Reality(1901)

2.4/5 (with 15 votes)

A well-dressed, middle-aged man is enjoying a drink at a table with a pretty young woman. He flirts with her, and she seems not to mind his attentions. But is it all too good to be true?

Directed by Ferdinand Zecca

Scrooge; or Marley's Ghost(1901)

4min | Drama, Fantasy
2.7/5 (with 13 votes)

A scene from Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol.

Directed by Walter R. Booth
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The Brahmin and the Butterfly(1901)

2.7/5 (with 14 votes)

A man attempts to engender a transformation of a giant worm into a butterfly.

Stop Thief!(1901)

1min | Crime, Comedy
2.5/5 (with 13 votes)

A lad from a butcher shop is carrying a tray laden with a roast or a leg of lamb. A hobo grabs it and runs. The boy gives chase, joined by dogs, as neighbors watch the spectacle. The hobo jumps into a large rain barrel, followed by the dogs.

Directed by James Williamson

What Is Seen Through a Keyhole(1901)

2min | Comedy
2.7/5 (with 14 votes)

Pathé film number 380, also known as "What Happened to the Inquisitive Janitor" (US) and "Peeping Tom" (UK). It should not be confused with its remake from 1905 also titled What is Seen Through a Keyhole, a film now considered lost. As a janitor is cleaning a hotel, he decides to peek through the keyholes to observe some of the guests in their rooms. In room 8, a woman is busy making herself look more attractive, and the janitor enjoys watching her. There are also some interesting things going on in the other rooms on the floor.

Directed by Ferdinand Zecca

Execution of Czolgosz with Panorama of Auburn Prison(1901)

4min | Drama, History
2.1/5 (with 10 votes)

This early docudrama shows Auburn Prison and recreates the electrocution of Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of President McKinley of the United States.

Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King(1901)

1.9/5 (with 10 votes)

Our presidential hunter runs across the landscape and falls down in the snow, gets up with his rifle, and gazes upward at a treed animal which isn't in the camera's view. He fires a shot into the tree, then leaps on the ground to grab the fallen prey, a domestic cat, finishing it off with wild blows of his hunting knife while his companions, a photographer and a press agent, record the event that will be reported far and wide as a manly moment. Teddy then rides out of the forest followed by two companions afoot, never mind that they all originally arrived afoot. Perhaps it was funnier in its day than it is now, but apparently shooting cats was regarded as funny in those days. The larger point was to use a minor whimsy as a political criticism, in this case of Teddy Roosevelt's easy manipulations of the press. It was based on two frames of a political cartoon that had appeared in the paper a mere week before the film was made.

The Haunted Curiosity Shop(1901)

2min | Fantasy, Horror
2.7/5 (with 10 votes)

An old proprietor is startled and haunted by the strange happenings inside his curiosity shop.

Directed by Walter R. Booth

The Magician's Cavern(1901)

3min | Comedy, Fantasy
3.0/5 (with 10 votes)

A very enthusiastic magician performs several tricks.

Directed by Georges Méliès

Off to Bedlam(1901)

1min | Fantasy, Comedy
2.7/5 (with 9 votes)

Four black minstrels turn into white clowns and back again when they hit or kick each other.

Directed by Georges Méliès

An Extraordinary Dislocation(1901)

2min | Comedy, Fantasy
3.0/5 (with 13 votes)

A clown performs various feats of magic based on his ability to detach and reattach different parts of his body.

Directed by Georges Méliès - With André Deed

The Waif and the Wizard(1901)

2min | Drama, Fantasy
3.3/5 (with 2 votes)

The Waif and the Wizard features the same young man who appeared in Undressing Extraordinary (and who might be early filmmaker Walter Booth). It's another early example of a two-shot film along the lines of Paul's earlier film Come Along Do!. The young man plays a magician who, after completing his act, agrees to go home with the young boy from the audience who helped him perform his tricks. At the boy's home he finds a sick sister and a worried mother being threatened with eviction by her landlord.

Directed by Walter R. Booth

The Dwarf and the Giant(1901)

1min | Fantasy, Comedy
2.8/5 (with 11 votes)

A magician explores two halves of his self: The Dwarf and the Giant.

Directed by Georges Méliès

Kansas Saloon Smashers(1901)

1min | Comedy
2.1/5 (with 2 votes)

A gilded saloon, with a fancy bar, forms the background. A nobby bartender with white coat and apron is dispensing drinks to customers. Behind him are polished plate glass mirrors. A comical Irishman enters, sets a huge pail on the bar to be filled, and while he is drinking a glass of foam beer, Mrs. Nation and her followers enter with their hatchets. One of the women jams the Irishman's stiff hat down over his eyes and another one douses him with his own pail of beer. They then wreck the saloon and smash the mirrors, bottles, cash register and bar fixtures. The bartender plays a stream of seltzer water on Mrs. Nation, and as she backs away from behind the counter, a policeman enters and hustles everybody out. Full of comedy from start to finish. (Edison Catalog)

The Death of Poor Joe(1901)

1min | Drama
2.0/5 (with 4 votes)

A scene from Charles Dickens Bleak House.

The Gordon Sisters Boxing(1901)

2.7/5 (with 3 votes)

The champion lady boxers of the world. Shows two female pugilists who are really clever. They engage in a hot one-round sparring bout. A park, with marble entrance and walk, and beautiful trees and shrubbery, make a very pleasing background. The exhibition is very lively from start to finish; the blows fall thick and fast, and some very clever pugilistic generalship is shown. Sold complete or in separate lengths.

Another Job for the Undertaker(1901)

1min | Fantasy, Comedy
1.9/5 (with 6 votes)

Shows a bedroom in a hotel. On the wall of the room is a conspicuous sign "Don't blow out the gas." A hayseed enters the room, accompanied by a bellboy. The boy deposits the Rube's bag and umbrella, turns a somersault, and vanishes through the door. The Rube then removes his hat and coat and places them upon the table. They immediately vanish. He then blows out the gas. The scene then instantly changes to a funeral procession, headed by Reuben's hearse, and followed by the carriages of his country friends. Strictly up-to-date picture. (Edison Catalog, 1901)

The Martyred Presidents(1901)

1.5/5 (with 5 votes)

This film is difficult to classify. It opens on a scene showing a mourner with bowed head sitting in front of what appears to be a tombstone. Shortly afterwards, the face of Abraham Lincoln and then of two other presidents, Garfield and McKinley, can be seen on the monument and then they disappear. There is a figure huddled at the foot of a statue of Justice, as if asking forgiveness.

An Over-Incubated Baby(1901)

2.5/5 (with 5 votes)

An up to date idea and a great picture. The professor sits in his laboratory with his newly invented baby incubator. A mother who is anxious for the growth of her child enters, places her baby in care of the professor, who promptly places it in the incubator. An alcohol lamp is lighted under the apparatus, but the professor evidently gets his machine too hot, for in a few seconds the top is opened and the baby taken out. To the great anger of its mother it has grown about two feet in height and has long hair and a full beard. (Edison Catalog)

Directed by Walter R. Booth

Conquering the Skies(1901)

2.3/5 (with 3 votes)

A man flies his plane "Fend l'Air" over Paris.

Directed by Ferdinand Zecca
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