Poison Ivy: The Secret Society(2008)
A mysterious death of a young college student occurs late one night at a prestigious New England college...
Poison Ivy is a 1992 American thriller drama film directed by Katt Shea. It stars Drew Barrymore, Sara Gilbert, Tom Skerritt, and Cheryl Ladd. It is the first installment in a film series, which includes three direct-to-video sequels. In 1996, New Line Cinema released the direct-to-video sequel Poison Ivy II: Lily, starring Alyssa Milano. In 1997, the second direct-to-video release, Poison Ivy: The New Seduction, starring Jaime Pressly, was released. In 2008, the fourth film in the franchise, Poison Ivy: The Secret Society, premiered on the Lifetime Movie Network.
A mysterious death of a young college student occurs late one night at a prestigious New England college...
A sinister seductress vows to destroy a suburban family.
A young and naive college art student becomes obsessed with assuming the identity and personality of a departed coed who used to live in her room, and in so doing causes complications that result in two men, a student and her art professor, lusting after her.
A seductive teen befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family.