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It's Alive Collection(1974-1987)

It's Alive is a 1974 American horror film written, produced, and directed by Larry Cohen. In the film, a couple's infant child turns out to be a vicious mutant monster that kills when frightened. Notable talents involved in the movie were Bernard Herrmann who composed the score (noted for his work on many films of Alfred Hitchcock) and Rick Baker for makeup and puppet effects. The film was followed by two sequels, It Lives Again (1978) and It's Alive III: Island of the Alive (1987) and a remake, It's Alive (2008).

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It's Alive III: Island of the Alive(1987)

| 1h 35min | Horror
2.7/5 (with 36 votes)

The mutant babies have been placed by court order on a deserted island. Appalled by the cynicism and exploitation of the children by the legal system and the media, the man responsible for them leads an expedition to the island to free them.

It Lives Again(1978)

| 1h 31min | Horror, Science Fiction
2.7/5 (with 39 votes)

Maternity wards echo with the patter of tiny claws as more murderous baby-faced monsters are born. But rather than kill their monstrous off-spring during delivery, cursed parents flee to secret incubation hide-outs.

It's Alive(1974)

| 1h 31min | Horror, Science Fiction
3.0/5 (with 80 votes)

Lenore Davis and her husband Frank are about to have their second child. As she gives birth, the newborn baby vanishes and leaves behind five dead bodies. It's up to the police and Frank to figure out where their mutated child has gone.

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