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Iron Monkey Collection(1993-1996)

Genres: Action, Crime, Drama

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Iron Monkey 2(1996)

1h 32min | Action
3.5/5 (with 33 votes)

Iron Monkey teams up with his blind friend Jin to bring underworld agent the Tiger to justice. When Jin's son arrives he soon becomes caught up in the conflict, leading to Jin's death. Jin's son now joins the Iron Monkey to avenge his father's memory, as they launch an attack on the Tiger's lair.

Directed by Yuen Woo-ping - With Donnie Yen, Wu Ma

Iron Monkey(1993)

| 1h 30min | Action, Crime, Drama
3.7/5 (with 120 votes)

Iron Monkey is a Hong Kong variation of Robin Hood. Corrupt officials of a Chinese village are robbed by a masked bandit known as "Iron Monkey", named after a benevolent deity. When all else fails, the Governor forces a traveling physician into finding the bandit. The arrival of an evil Shaolin monk, brings the physician and Iron Monkey together to battle the corrupt government.

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