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Boggy Creek Collection(1972-2010)

A series of films about the "Fouke Monster" which is a Bigfoot-type creature that reportedly has been seen in and around Fouke, Arkansas since the 1940s.

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Boggy Creek(2010)

1h 27min | Horror, Thriller
1.9/5 (with 11 votes)

Following the death of her father in a terrible accident, sweet, yet troubled Jennifer and her friends decide to check out her dad's cabin that's located in the deep woods of Boggy Creek, Texas. While staying at said cabin for a week, Jennifer and company run afoul of an evil and vicious monster of local legend that kills men and abducts women.

Directed by Brian T. Jaynes - With Texas Battle

The Legacy of Boggy Creek(2010)

| 1h 10min | Horror

Since 1972 he has roamed the countryside, watching...and waiting! He has been sighted several times over the last few decades and this all-new docudrama chronicles the events that began after the original Fouke, Arkansas attacks. A direct sequel to the original classic "The Legend of Boggy Creek".

Boggy Creek II: And the Legend Continues(1984)

| 1h 34min | Thriller, Horror, Drama, Mystery
1.2/5 (with 15 votes)

Professor and students camp out to find Bigfoot-type creature.

Return to Boggy Creek(1977)

| 1h 25min | Kids & Family, Adventure
2.1/5 (with 4 votes)

Three children and two adults become trapped in the woods during a hurricane and it is up to a Bigfoot-like creature called 'Big Bay-Ty' to come to their rescue.

Directed by Tom Moore - With Dawn Wells

The Legend of Boggy Creek(1972)

| 1h 27min | Mystery, Horror, Drama
2.5/5 (with 27 votes)

A documentary-style drama based on true accounts of the Fouke Monster in Arkansas, Boggy Creek focuses on the lives of back country people and their culture while chronicling sightings of the monster.

Directed by Charles B. Pierce
WatchPlayStream ID: COLLECTIONS:5535