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American Guinea Pig Collection(2015-2017)

Genre: Horror

An American branching of the notoriously controversial Japanese torture video series Guinea Pig films (ギニーピッグ Ginī Piggu).

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4 movies found (page 1/1):

American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice(2017)

1h 5min | Horror
1.8/5 (with 3 votes)

A young man suffering from significant childhood trauma believes there are portals to the darkness around him that can be accessed through extreme self-mutilation. He locks himself in his home and proceeds to perform acts to summon the Goddess Ishtar to help him cross over to the other side.

Directed by Poison Rouge

American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon(2017)

1h 25min | Horror
1.9/5 (with 5 votes)

The Catholic Church is trying to save an innocent soul from the ravages of satanic possession. Wave after wave of holy men are sent to confront the possessed.

Directed by Stephen Biro

American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore(2015)

1h 12min | Horror
2.4/5 (with 8 votes)

Two victims are graphically tortured in this American reimagining of the popular underground Japanese film series.

Directed by Stephen Biro

American Guinea Pig: Bloodshock(2015)

1h 38min | Horror
2.8/5 (with 2 votes)

A man is imprisoned by a psychotic doctor who tortures him in increasingly gruesome ways in order to extract chemicals from his bloodstream. Along the way, he develops a relationship with a female prisoner.

Directed by Marcus Koch
WatchPlayStream ID: COLLECTIONS:3478