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47 Ronin Collection(2013-2022)

A duology of action fantasy films based on the real-life historical legend of the 47 Ronin.

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Blade of the 47 Ronin(2022)

3.4/5 (with 69 votes)

In this sequel to "47 Ronin," a new class of warriors emerges among the Samurai clans to keep a sought-after sword from falling into the wrong hands.

47 Ronin(2013)

| 1h 59min | Drama, Action, Fantasy
3.1/5 (with 1,753 votes)

Kai—an outcast—joins Oishi, the leader of 47 outcast samurai. Together they seek vengeance upon the treacherous overlord who killed their master and banished their kind. To restore honour to their homeland, the warriors embark upon a quest that challenges them with a series of trials that would destroy ordinary warriors.

WatchPlayStream ID: COLLECTIONS:4151