
Jack Ryan Collection(1990-2014)

The Jack Ryan franchise consists of American action-thriller installments, based on the fictional titular character from a series of novels written by Tom Clancy. Various actors have portrayed the role. Despite inconsistency with its lead actors and crew members, the series has been distributed solely by Paramount Pictures since its inception. Mace Neufeld has produced every film in the series, with producing partner Robert Rehme co-producing Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger, and Lorenzo di Bonaventura co-producing Shadow Recruit. With a combined unadjusted worldwide gross of $788.4 million to date, the films constitute the 57th highest-grossing film series. The films have been nominated for four Academy Awards, winning one for Sound Effects (now Sound Editing) in The Hunt for Red October (at the 63rd Awards). The continuity of the films does not follow the established timeline of the novels. In the book series, Patriot Games occur... ()

John Patrick "Jack" Ryan, Sr. is a fictional character created by Tom Clancy who appears in many of his novels and their respective film adaptations.

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5 movies found (page 1/1):

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit(2014)

| 1h 45min | Action, Drama, Thriller
3.1/5 (with 1,288 votes)

Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack.

The Sum of All Fears(2002)

| 2h 4min | Thriller, Action, Drama
3.2/5 (with 734 votes)

When the president of Russia suddenly dies, a man whose politics are virtually unknown succeeds him. The change in political leaders sparks paranoia among American CIA officials, so CIA director Bill Cabot recruits a young analyst to supply insight and advice on the situation. Then the unthinkable happens: a nuclear bomb explodes in a U.S. city, and America is quick to blame the Russians.

Clear and Present Danger(1994)

| 2h 21min | Action, Drama, Thriller
3.3/5 (with 647 votes)

CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel.

Patriot Games(1992)

| 1h 57min | Drama, Action, Thriller, Crime
3.3/5 (with 687 votes)

When CIA Analyst Jack Ryan interferes with an IRA assassination, a renegade faction targets Jack and his family as revenge.

The Hunt for Red October(1990)

| 2h 15min | Action, Adventure, Thriller
3.7/5 (with 1,492 votes)

A new technologically-superior Soviet nuclear sub, the Red October, is heading for the U.S. coast under the command of Captain Marko Ramius. The American government thinks Ramius is planning to attack. A lone CIA analyst has a different idea: he thinks Ramius is planning to defect, but he has only a few hours to find him and prove it - because the entire Russian naval and air commands are trying to find him, too. The hunt is on!

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