
Unternehmen: Beste Filme & TV-Shows/Serien von Yellow, Black & White

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Es wurden 43 Filme & TV-Shows/Serien gefunden (Seite 1/2):

Der letzte Ritter(2021)

3,5/5 (bei 63 Stimmen)

Nachdem Ivan auf magische Weise in eine märchenhafte Sagenwelt transportiert wurde und er dort erfuhr, dass er dazu auserwählt worden war, dieses Reich von dem Bösen zu befreien, hat sich einiges im Leben des früheren Zauberkünstlers geändert. Tatsächlich ist es ihm mit der Hilfe seiner neuen Freunde gelungen, die Welt von Belogorie zu retten, doch der gewonnene Frieden ist nicht von langer Dauer. Eine alte Macht bedroht die Bevölkerung und Ivan muss ein weiteres Mal unter Beweis stellen, was in ihm steckt. Ein langes und lebensgefährliches Abenteuer steht ihm bevor.

Der Knecht(2019)

FSK: ab 12 Jahre
| 1 Std. 49 Min. | Komödie
3,5/5 (bei 60 Stimmen)

Grischa ist ein verwöhnter Oligarchensohn. Er nimmt sich, was er will, Gesetze gelten für ihn nicht. Papas Geld und Einfluss lösen alle Probleme, die Grischa verursacht. Bis ihm sein Vater eine Lektion erteilt. Durch eine perfekte Inszenierung erwacht Grischa nach einem Unfall in einem Bauerndorf. Es ist 1860 und er ist nur ein Leibeigener, von dem nichts als harte Arbeit erwartet wird.

Russian Affairs(2019-)

FSK: ab 18 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 49 Min. | Drama, Mystery
3,5/5 (bei 9 Stimmen)

Moskau: Metropole der Macht. Es geht um Geld, Glamour, Sex, Intrigen, Erpressung und Mord. In „Russian Affairs“ setzt der Tod einer jungen Frau eine fatale Verkettung von Ereignissen und Beziehungen in Gang, die das Leben aller Beteiligten schicksalhaft an den Rand des Abgrunds bringt. Langsam kommt ans Licht, welche Rolle Politik, Mafia, Polizei und aufstrebende junge „Golddigger“ dabei spielen.


je Folge ca. 24 Min. | Komödie, Drama
3,9/5 (bei 39 Stimmen)

Maksim "Max" Lavrov wants to become a great chef. But he finds out that the kitchen isn't the place for an easy career. And at restaurant "Claude Monet," this job looks to be harder and much more complicated than just cooking.

The Last Warrior: A Messenger of Darkness(2021)

1 Std. 48 Min. | Fantasy, Abenteuer, Komödie
3,5/5 (bei 20 Stimmen)

Now that Ivan is about to turn 21, he is now grown up and finally old enough to marry the beautiful Vasilisa. But when Vasilisa is kidnapped and trapped in modern Moscow, Ivan and his friends must travel to the present day to rescue her.


je Folge ca. 24 Min. | Komödie
4,4/5 (bei 11 Stimmen)

Ksenia has ambition, lots of it. She wants to make it big in hospitality. Chasing her goal she comes to Moscow where she meets a new eccentric hotel owner of The Grand hotel. Not someone to let the truth stand in the way of an opportunity, Ksenia presents herself as a professional, ready for a management position. Her lies are caught out and she’s packed off to the rather unglamorous laundry to begin her career in hospitality. Will Ksenia be able to tame her adventurous nature and to fit into the tight-knit hotel team at The Grand? Or will she blow it?

Die Schlacht um Sibirien(2019)

3,3/5 (bei 27 Stimmen)

Russland zu Zeiten des Herrschers Peter der Große: Die schwierige Entwicklung des Imperiums erschwert das Leben im Reich drastisch. Ivan Demarin, der junge Offizier, wird in die ferne Festung Tobolsk im Herzen des wilden Sibiriens geschickt. Hier trifft der unerfahrene Soldat seine erste Liebe und wird zusammen mit seinem Regiment in eine Verschwörung lokaler Fürsten einbezogen.

Son of a Rich 2(2024)

1 Std. 59 Min. | Komödie
3,3/5 (bei 20 Stimmen)

Grigory, the son of an oligarch, is fully rehabilitated after his humbling experience as a 19th-century serf. Moreover, he develops a strong sense of moral justice. When he meets a pampered young socialite named Katya, he is abhorred by her insolent escapades. Grigory transports Katya “back in time” to teach her a valuable lesson about humility.


1 Std. 53 Min. | Komödie, Kinder & Familie
3,6/5 (bei 30 Stimmen)

What if Cheburashka really exists? What if he is not a plush toy, but quite a real furry animal that lives in an orange grove in a distant country? What if he finds himself in a small town by the sea and meets an uncommunicative old man who does not need him at all, meets a little boy who cannot speak, and his mother, who makes amazing chocolate, meets a strange aunt who wants to buy it and give it to her unsympathetic granddaughter, and many, many other people.

Better Than Us(2018-2019)

FSK: ab 12 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 55 Min. | Science-Fiction & Fantasy, Drama
3,7/5 (bei 170 Stimmen)

Im Jahr 2029 sind Roboter und Maschinen ein fester Bestandteil des menschlichen Lebens. Sie helfen bei der Kindererziehung, arbeiten als persönliche Fahrer, Sicherheitsleute und dienen für manche auch als Liebhaber. Für die meisten Menschen sind diese Bot nur seelenlose Maschinen. Doch manche von ihnen entwickeln menschliche Emotionen. Als eines Tages ein Mord durch einen Roboter begangen wird, geraten der Wissenschaftler Georgy und seine Roboter-Assistentin zwischen die Fronten, denn eine Rebellengruppe sagt den Maschinen den Kampf an.

Ms. Sweet(2019-2022)

je Folge ca. 24 Min. | Komödie, Kinder & Familie
3,6/5 (bei 8 Stimmen)

Vera's life was like a fairy tale with a loving husband, smart and beautiful daughter, caring father, and her favorite hobby, baking desserts. When her husband cheats on her with her young neighbor, she decides to leave him and turn her baking hobby into a business.

Super Family(2016)

1 Std. 35 Min. | Komödie
2,5/5 (bei 18 Stimmen)

A whole Bobrov family suddenly become superheroes...

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Hotel Eleon(2016-2017)

3,4/5 (bei 16 Stimmen)

The new series of CTC, which will continue the story of the hit comedy "Kitchen". Chef Victor Barinov retired and Eleanor Andreevna met the man of her dreams and moved to St. Petersburg - this ended the final season of "Kitchen". But life in the hotel and the restaurant continues: Michael Dzhekovich still responsible for order in the "Eleon" chef Victor restaurant appointed Senya, and her daughter gets an unexpected boost, which is not pleased with the bone. Everything goes on as usual, while the hotel is not headed by Paul - unlucky nephew of former mistress. In order not to disappoint Aunt and save the business, he entices Brussels Supermenedzher Sofia Tolstaya. New management sets its own rules, and now the hotel is waiting for major changes that overturned upside down not only the habitual way of "Eleon", but the characters and personal plans.

The Challenge(2023)

2 Std. 44 Min. | Drama
3,8/5 (bei 8 Stimmen)

Thoracic surgeon Evgenia Belyaeva has one month to prepare for a flight to the International Space Station, where she must operate on a crew member. Will she be up for the challenge? Can she overcome her fears and insecurities? Will she be able to perform the complicated surgery in zero gravity, and give the cosmonaut a chance to return to Earth alive?

The Watchman(2019)

1 Std. 46 Min. | Drama, Thriller
3,2/5 (bei 28 Stimmen)

The protagonist Vlad is a man of about forty; he lives and works as watchman in an old sanatorium that is due to be demolished. He obviously needs this work to live the life of a hermit. One night a married couple appears at the sanatorium: Vera and Stas. They are on the run. They are pursued by former friends and business partners of Stas. Vlad decides to help them, because he too is hiding from the past. Each character is threatened with the inevitable payment for wrong choices in the past, but helping each other, they try to expiate these faults.

The Vampires of Midland(2021-)

je Folge ca. 50 Min. | Mystery, Komödie, Science-Fiction & Fantasy
4,4/5 (bei 30 Stimmen)

Grandpa Slava is the oldest of the Midland vampire family. They live quietly. They live by the law. They live the unremarkable life of an ordinary Russian family and they never kill humans – ever. Although, of course, everyone knows they drink blood. And when some lifeless corpses are found in a birch grove near Smolensk... their peaceful life falls under threat.

The Factory(2018)

1 Std. 49 Min. | Thriller, Drama, Krimi
3,2/5 (bei 36 Stimmen)

When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.

The Last of Magikyan(2013-2015)

je Folge ca. 24 Min. | Komödie
2,9/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Karen Magikyan is almost 50 years old. He is the head of the family and the father of three daughters. At this age, people do not change. He has long formulated laws and rules by which he lives, and is not going to break anything. It seems to him that for the last 10-15 years he has not changed a bit, he has not aged a bit. Moreover, he considers himself to be quite a modern person, although he has a mobile phone with a black and white screen and no email. This, by the way, is especially annoying to him - why everyone is going crazy about these gadgets, iPads, iPhones. Why is the younger daughter, after returning from school, immediately goes to the Internet, and not kiss her father? To “communicate” is to sit at the table, drink wine and talk, and not stare at the computer screen and spoil your eyes. He does not understand modern relationships. How can a daughter stay overnight when they are not married? And he does not care about the assurances of his wife that "now everyone is doing this." Let everyone do that, but not in his family! He is Caucasian, he has principles! Karen - The Last of the Magikians. And not only because he has three daughters, and an heir at that age is clearly not foreseen. He is a representative of an endangered species of people who have never spoken on Skype, for whom a letter is a paper written in letters in an envelope, and most importantly, who do not bend under a changing world, because “now it’s accepted” and “you live in the 21st century ". Younger viewers should recognize their parents in him, older viewers should recognize themselves in him.

The Kitchen: Mortal Kombat(2017)

FSK: ab 6 Jahre
| 1 Std. 50 Min. | Komödie
3,2/5 (bei 17 Stimmen)

Victor Barinov (Dmitriy Nazarov) reist nach Sotschi, um dort auf einer Weltmeisterschaft des Kochens anzutreten. Der Präsident Russlands persönlich hat ihn dorthin geschickt und so will Victor mit seinem Team zusammen alles geben. Doch die kulinarischen Experten, gegen die er bei dem Wettbewerb antreten muss, sind mit allen Wassern gewaschen. Victors einziges Glück ist, dass er noch eine Überraschung in der Hinterhand hat, nämlich seinen talentierten Sohn Ivan. Der wird allerdings erst einen Tag, bevor es ans Eingemachte geht, mit einbezogen.

Kitchen in Paris(2014)

1 Std. 46 Min. | Komödie
3,4/5 (bei 34 Stimmen)

The employees of the famous Russian "Claude Monet" restaurant are forced to move their business to Paris.

Hotel Belgrad(2020)

FSK: ab 6 Jahre
| 1 Std. 47 Min. | Komödie, Romantik / Liebe
3,5/5 (bei 14 Stimmen)

Ein junger Hotelier beschädigt ausversehen ein wertvolles Kunstwerk. Als Entschädigung soll er die Tochter des kriminellen Besitzers heiraten.

Regie: Konstantin Statskiy - Schauspieler: Miloš Biković, Diana Pozharskaya, Boris Dergachev, Yegor Koreshkov

Best Frenemies(2020-)

je Folge ca. 24 Min. | Komödie, Kinder & Familie
4,3/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Michael and Dima, or Dima and Michael are childhood friends. They grew up together, share a business together, live next door to each other, even their children play together. They are the very best of friends and have a truly unbreakable bond… or do they? On the eve of their children’s wedding a dark secret emerges, shattering their friendship and turning best friends into lifelong enemies.

Schauspieler: Aleksandr Robak, Egor Beroev, Olga Medynich, Svetlana Kolpakova, Dzhemal Tetruashvili, Aleksandra Florinskaya-Budanova, ...


je Folge ca. 24 Min. | Drama, Komödie
3,9/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Football is an international language that transcends generations, nationalities, class and religion. Former professional footballer, a current scout, loner and alcoholic Phil forms an unlikely friendship with Sasha, a young football fan. Their lives revolve around FC Lokomotiv Moscow, where they spot talented footballer Denis. Along with Olga, Denis’s mother, they’re determined to make him not just a good player, but a great player.

Hotel Belgrade(2022)

je Folge ca. 42 Min. | Komödie
4,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Paul is a wealthy heir and the owner of the prestigious Belgrade Hotel. When his leisurely life is shaken up by the Belgrade Mafia, a crazy bride, old love, and quirky relatives, it becomes an adventure where anything is possible.

One for all(2009-2017)

je Folge ca. 25 Min. | Komödie
2,3/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

- Noch keine Beschreibung / Details vorhanden. -

Regie: Alexandr Zhigalkin - Schauspieler: Anna Ardova, Tatyana Orlova, Evelina Blodans, Aleksandr Chernyavskiy, Igor Pismenny, Vanati Aliyev, ...

Have Fun, Vasya!(2017)

1 Std. 30 Min. | Komödie
3,3/5 (bei 22 Stimmen)

Mitya accidentally proposed to his girlfriend. The problem is that Mitya is already married to Vasya, who refuses to grant him a divorce. Can Mitya and his friends convince Vasya to change her mind?

The Big Moment(2021)

je Folge ca. 25 Min. | Drama, Komödie
3,9/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Estranged ex-lovers, Kostya and Kira are unexpectedly thrown together again when they're asked to collaborate as script-writers on a love-story set in a music school. The script focuses on teachers Rostislav (Dmitry Lysenkov) and Arina (Evgeniya Borzykh), who are caught-up in a difficult situation, made more complicated by Arina passing off a new colleague as her boyfriend to placate her demanding mother. The real and phoney relationships, both on and off-paper (or in reality or in the script), test all the characters, and examine themes of love, trust, sex, infidelity, friendship, responsibility as well as compatibility.

Regie: Viktor Shamirov - Schauspieler: Evgenija Borzyh, Dmitry Lysenkov


je Folge ca. 25 Min. | Komödie
4,8/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Short comedian sketches about what worries the average 30-year-old guy. Girls, work, friends, everyday little things, and problems of a universal scale. A few minutes of honest humor, a drop of absurdity, and nothing more. This is a quick comedy.

Desperate Shareholders(2022)

1 Std. 30 Min. | Komödie
3,4/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Who doesn't dream of their own apartment, especially in the city center? The heroes of the film, two ordinary married couples, are no exception. However, on the way to their dream stands a cunning developer who, in return for hard earned money, gives a foundation pit for the house. Ordinary Russians do not want to put up with injustice and quite accidentally take the head of a construction company prisoner.

This is Love(2015-2016)

je Folge ca. 24 Min. | Komödie

Nastya and Andrew quite recently decided on a crucial step - they came together, forge a common life and begin to realize that strong relationships require not only love and romance, but also patience .. a lot of patience! Anya and Pasha have already passed this stage a long time ago - they managed to acquire a common name and a small child, but not their own housing. The happiness of a young family is overshadowed by Ani's father, who was never able to accept the choice of his daughter. Friends of Olya and Dima also cannot make up their own choice, who, once awakening in the same bed, do not understand what to bind them together - love or friendship?

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