
Space's Deepest Secrets(TV-Show/Serie, 2016-)

je Folge ca. 42 Min. | Genre: Dokumentation

Dokumentation in 8 Staffeln mit 67 Folgen

Space's Deepest SecretsBewertung: 3,7/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)
Space's Deepest Secrets is a documentary science television series narrated by David O'Brien. Aired by the Science Channel, it premiered on April 26, 2016. According to the Science Channel, "Space's Deepest Secrets shares the stories of the men and women who pushed their ingenuity and curiosity beyond the limits to uncover some of the most groundbreaking findings in the history of space exploration." Space's Deepest Secrets includes both original episodes and specials. Specials began in Season 3, and each special consists of material previously broadcast in two or more earlier episodes of Space's Deepest Secrets or other Science Channel shows, edited together so as to address a new subject related to that of the previously broadcast episodes. In addition to segments from previous Space's Deepest Secrets original episodes, Space's Deepest Secrets specials have included segments originally broadcast in episodes of shows such as How the Universe Works, Strip the Cosmos, and Mars: The Secret Science. ()
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Inhalt von Space's Deepest Secrets

A new breed of explorer has taken space travel beyond the moon to unlock and reveal first-ever views of alien worlds and cosmic bodies far beyond anyone's imagination. "Space's Deepest Secrets" shares stories of the men and women who pushed their ingenuity and curiosity to uncover some of the most groundbreaking findings in the history of space exploration. Hourlong episodes cover NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto, the Hubble Telescope, the twin Voyager explorations, and other past, current and future missions and projects.

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Trailer für Space's Deepest Secrets + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

SCI: "Space's Deepest Secrets" Launch(Trailer, 0:31)

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Space's Deepest Secrets Staffeln und Folgen

31.03.2021Staffel 8 - 7 Folgen
#1 | 31.03.2021Episode 1 (Mystery of the Dead Planets)
Astronomers unmask the truly destructive nature of the cosmos.
#2 | 07.04.2021Episode 2 (Space's Great Wall)
Astronomers make an extraordinary discovery when they uncover a cosmic mega-structure that's one billion light-years long, and now investigators race to decode the hidden forces that shape the most massive and mysterious structure known in the Universe.
#3 | 14.04.2021Episode 3 (Curse of the White Holes)
Einstein predicted strange cosmic phenomena known as white holes, but scientists have yet to prove they exist; as experts investigate the tiny black holes that hide in the most ancient parts of the universe, they might finally find the smoking gun.
#4 | 21.04.2021Episode 4 (Bermuda Triangle of Space)
Scientists have detected a region of space they have yet to understand.
#5 | 28.04.2021Episode 5 (The Giant Ice Planets)
Astronomers finally unlock the mysteries of Uranus and Neptune.
#6 | 05.05.2021Episode 6 (Secrets of the Asteroids)
NASA investigates an asteroid in more detail than ever before.
#7 | 12.05.2021Episode 7 (Space Force Declassified)
Discover the cutting-edge race to build the ultimate space weapon.
#8Episode 8 (Secrets of the Hubble)
A secret history of life-or-death missions has been concealed to keep the Hubble Space Telescope working since its launch; now, NASA astronauts reveal the truth behind how this complex machine continues to make astonishing new discoveries.
08.09.2020Staffel 7 - 4 Folgen
19.03.2019Staffel 6 - 11 Folgen
14.10.2018Staffel 5 - 3 Folgen
15.05.2018Staffel 4 - 10 Folgen
22.08.2017Staffel 3 - 8 Folgen
11.04.2017Staffel 2 - 10 Folgen
26.04.2016Staffel 1 - 14 Folgen

Weitere Informationen

Offizielle Webseiten:
Produziert von: Red Marble Media
Originalsprache: Englisch (EN)
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch (EN)
Übersetzt in 3 Sprachen: Englisch (EN), Russisch (RU), Chinesisch (Mandarin) (ZH)
Produktionsstatus: Wiederkehrende Serie
Erste Folge erschien am: 26.04.2016
Bisher letzte Folge erschien am: 12.05.2021
Alternative Titel in anderen Ländern (aus Vorankündigungen, Werbung etc.):

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WatchPlayStream ID: SHOWS:7461, Hinzugefügt: 12.05.2018, Zuletzt aktualisiert: 24.08.2024