
Legends of Tomorrow(TV-Show/Serie, 2016-2022)

Originaltitel: "DC's Legends of Tomorrow" (Englisch/EN)
FSK: ab 16 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 42 Min. | Genres: Action & Abenteuer, Science-Fiction & Fantasy, Drama

Scripted Reality in 7 Staffeln mit 110 Folgen

Legends of TomorrowBewertung: 3,7/5 (bei 1.098 Stimmen) 774
Legends of Tomorrow (Originaltitel: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, englisch für DCs Legenden von Morgen) ist eine US-amerikanische Science-Fiction-Fernsehserie über Figuren aus dem DC-Universum, die vom 21. Januar 2016 bis zum 2. März 2022 auf dem Sender The CW ausgestrahlt wurde. Die Serie ist ein Ableger der Serien Arrow und The Flash und spielt im selben fiktiven Universum (Arrowverse). In Deutschland erfolgt die Ausstrahlung der Serie ab dem 30. August 2016 beim Free-TV-Sender ProSieben. Im April 2022 wurde die Serie nach der siebten Staffel trotz Cliffhanger abgesetzt. ()
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Inhalt von Legends of Tomorrow

Die Superhelden-Serie Legends of Tomorrow ist im gleichen Universum wie Arrow und The Flash angesiedelt. Seit der Ankunft des grünen Bogenschützen und des roten Flitzers hat sich die Welt allerdings gewaltig verändert. Helden alleine reichen nicht mehr, um die Menschen von Star City und Central City zu beschützen. Eine finstere Macht erhebt sich am Horizont - und um diese zu besiegen, benötigt es mindestens eine Handvoll lebender Legenden. Nachdem der Zeitreisende Rip Hunter eine düstere Vision der Zukunft gesehen hat, bleibt ihm keine andere Wahl, als ein Team zusammenzutrommeln, das sowohl aus Helden als auch aus ihren Bösewichtern besteht. Nur so kann die gigantische Bedrohung, die sich mit unheilvollen Vorzeichen ankündigt, abgewehrt werden. Das Überleben der gesamten Menschheit steht auf dem Spiel. Doch wie wird Rip Hunter seine – im Grunde verfeindeten Wunschkandidaten – zusammenführen?

Trailer für Legends of Tomorrow + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Staffel 1 - Trailer Deutsch HD German (2017)(Trailer, 1:14)

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Legends of Tomorrow Staffeln und Folgen

13.10.2021Staffel 7 - 13 Folgen
The seventh and final season of the American television series Legends of Tomorrow, which is based on characters from DC Comics, premiered on The CW on October 13, 2021, and ended on March 2, 2022, consisting of 13 episodes. It is set in the Arrowverse, sharing continuity with the other television series of the universe, and is a spin-off of Arrow and The Flash. The season was produced by Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television, and DC Entertainment, with Phil Klemmer and Keto Shimizu serving as showrunners. The season was announced in February 2021. Principal cast members Caity Lotz, Tala Ashe, Jes Macallan, Olivia Swann, Adam Tsekhman, Shayan Sobhian, Lisseth Chavez, Amy Louise Pemberton, Nick Zano, and Matt Ryan return from previous seasons. ()
In season seven, the Waverider gets blown up by a second Waverider…meaning the Legends are now trapped in 1925 Odessa, Texas! The only way to get home, and get payback on their mysterious new enemy, is to journey to New York City and find the forefather of time travel, Welsh inventor Dr. Gwyn Davies. Along the way, they pick up a familiar but shocking new teammate: a real-life, human Gideon, who’s knowledge of the timeline may be the key to solving all of the Legends’ problems.
#1 | 13.10.2021Episode 1 (The Bullet Blondes)
2,5/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)
After defeating the aliens and saving Earth, the Legends find themselves stranded in 1925 Odessa, Texas with a destroyed Waverider. Wanting to help fix things, Astra tries using her powers, which creates unwanted attention from the town and that of the new Director of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover. Realizing they need to escape, Sara and Ava create a distraction by going on a crime spree with Hoover hot on their tails. Meanwhile, Zari is finding it hard to get over Constantine, so Behrad suggests the only thing he knows that can help.
#2 | 20.10.2021Episode 2 (The Need For Speed)
2,4/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)
While the Legends contemplate how to get to New York City, Behrad discovers Hoover has train tickets to DC and Sara and Ava come up with a plan. With Zari stuck without the internet, she is forced to take a digital detox and becomes obsessed with figuring out who blew up the Waverider. Meanwhile, Astra and Spooner have stayed behind in Texas and are dealing with the aftermath of Astra's special spell.
#3 | 27.10.2021Episode 3 (WVRDR_ERROR_100 Oest-of-th3-Gs.gid30n notFound)
3,2/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)
With Astra, Spooner and a now-human Gideon trying to save the Legends, Gideon becomes overwhelmed by her new human choices sending her into a catatonic state. Astra and Spooner combine their powers to enter Gideon's mindscape and discover that a virus is trying to erase all of Gideon's memories. Acting fast, they devise a plan to defeat the virus before it's too late. Meanwhile, the Legends are about to go up against a powerful new foe.
#4 | 03.11.2021Episode 4 (Speakeasy Does It)
2,5/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)
When the Legends arrive in Chicago, they come across a speakeasy that caters to a diverse crowd, however their presence results in upsetting a mob who in turn burn down the club. Wanting to make things right, Zari demands they help to fix the club by throwing a party, with a special performance by The Bullet Blondes, to help raise money to rebuild it. Coincidentally, Astra, Spooner and Gideon are also in Chicago and feel compelled to help a female musician sever ties to the mob, while also trying to reach the Legends.
#5 | 10.11.2021Episode 5 (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist)
3,4/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)
After Sara, Ava, Behrad and Gary arrive in New York City, they track down Dr. Gwyn Davies, who isn't the scientist they expected. Astra, Spooner, and Gideon are still trying to stop the Legends from using the time machine, but they run into some more setbacks along the way. Meanwhile, in the pocket dimension Nate and Zari work together on the Hoover situation as well how to make their future together work.
#6 | 17.11.2021Episode 6 (Deus Ex Latrina)
2,7/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)
When the Legends and Gwyn finally time travel, the time machine goes haywire leaving them stranded in a lush forest with no idea when or where they are. Seeing that Sara and Ava are noticeably stressed, Nate takes over and gives everyone tasks to set up camp to keep everyone occupied. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Legends, someone keeps trying to destroy the anomalies that keep popping up which could create bigger ripples throughout history.
#7 | 24.11.2021Episode 7 (A Woman's Place Is In The War Effort)
2,5/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)
When the Legends crash land in 1940s Seattle, they find themselves right in the middle of WWII with a surprise guest. Needing replacement parts to fix the time machine, Sara, Ava, Astra, Spooner and Gideon find themselves working in different sections of an airplane factory alongside "Rosies." With Astra frustrated with inequality in the workforce, she takes matters into her own hands. Meanwhile, Behrad offers to play host and help teach Nate about Persian culture and etiquette.
#8 | 12.01.2022Episode 8 (Paranoid Android)
2,5/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)
Sara starts to realize her team is making questionable choices when it comes to the timeline. Trying to figure out who is behind everything, Sara discovers some harsh truths.
#9 | 19.01.2022Episode 9 (Lowest Common Denominator)
1,0/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)
When Gideon jumps the time machine into the Manor Dimension, which lands in Hell, Astra realizes that a damned 90's reality show crew sneaks into the manor. With the reality show crew causing emotions to spike, Sara and Ava share their true feelings about their roles as Co-Captains. Behrad seeks advice about Astra from Nate and Zari but Behrad finds that his past is put on display instead.
#10 | 26.01.2022Episode 10 (The Fixed Point)
1,8/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)
With the Legends tired of being chased by an evil A.I. and her robo-soliders, Sara decides to create an aberration that will allow the team to take back the Evil Waverider. However, they find themselves in a bar for time-travelers and quickly learn that this "fixed point" is popular with time-travelers, leaving Sara questioning her odds at winning. With Behrad and Astra growing closer, Zari and Spooner are forced to awkwardly interact with each other as the rest of the Legends are paired up on the mission. Meanwhile, Ava hears Gwyn's plan to save his boyfriend, and is forced to remind him of the consequences in he succeeds.
#11 | 02.02.2022Episode 11 (Rage Against The Machines)
1,8/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)
With some help from an unexpected person, the Legends break a fixed point, creating an aberration that will attract the Evil Waverider. The Legends are soon shocked at who has been hunting them and Sara tries to negotiate which doesn't go as planned. Seemingly out of options, Gwyn rises to the occasion by using his military experience and hatches a stealth plan. Meanwhile, Gary helps Astra realize what she is side lining Gideon from the mission.
#12 | 23.02.2022Episode 12 (Too Legit To Quit)
1,5/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)
With Gideon hurt, the Legends only have one way to save her. Once Evil Gideon is active, she continues to try to destroy the Legends, until Gideon reminds her of a certain protocol she must follow. Trying to help, Gideon negotiates a deal to save the Legends but to get them to agree, she breaks a major rule. Meanwhile, the Legends come up with another plan that could potentially solve all their problems.
#13 | 02.03.2022Episode 13 (Knocked Down, Knocked Up)
1,8/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)
The Legends are all disappointed and hurt by Gideon's actions, but Gideon is horrified when AI Gideon tells her about Gary. Itching to get back to doing what they love best, they realize that Gwyn has broken the treaty and must find him. Meanwhile, Sara keeps an important secret from Ava because she doesn't know how she will react.
02.05.2021Staffel 6 - 15 Folgen
14.01.2020Staffel 5 - 15 Folgen
22.10.2018Staffel 4 - 16 Folgen
10.10.2017Staffel 3 - 18 Folgen
13.10.2016Staffel 2 - 17 Folgen
21.01.2016Staffel 1 - 16 Folgen
19.01.2016Extras - 29 Folgen

Weitere Informationen

Gefilmt u.a. in: Vancouver
Spielt u.a. in: Earth-1, Earth-Prime, Waverider
Basierend auf: "Arrow" (TV-Show/Serie, 2012-), "Flash" (bei Amazon suchen)
Originalsprache: Englisch (EN)
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch (EN)
Übersetzt in 34 Sprachen: Arabisch (AR), Bulgarisch (BG), Bosnisch (BS), Tschechisch (CS), Dänisch (DA), Deutsch (DE), Griechisch (EL), Englisch (EN), Spanisch (ES), Finnisch (FI), Französisch (FR), Hebräisch (HE), Kroatisch (HR), Ungarisch (HU), Italienisch (IT), Japanisch (JA), Georgisch (KA), Koreanisch (KO), Letzebuergisch (LB), Litauisch (LT), Burmesisch (MY), Niederländisch (NL), Polnisch (PL), Portugiesisch (PT), Rumänisch (RO), Russisch (RU), Sango (SG), Slowakisch (SK), Schwedisch (SV), Thailändisch (TH), Türkisch (TR), Ukrainisch (UK), Vietnamesisch (VI), Chinesisch (Mandarin) (ZH)
Produktionsstatus: Abgesagt / Beendet
Erste Folge erschien am: 21.01.2016
Letzte Folge erschien am: 02.03.2022
Vorkommende Charaktere: Amaya Jiwe, Ray Palmer, Leonard Snart, Damien Darhk, Eobard Thawne, Firestorm, Hawkman, Mick Rory, Zari Tomaz, Kendra Saunders, Nate Heywood, Rip Hunter, Sara Lance, Vandal Savage, Harrison Wells, John Diggle, Chay-Ara, Hath-Set, John Constantine, Malcolm Merlyn, Wally West, Martin Stein, Jefferson Jackson, Ava Sharpe, Gary Green, Hank Heywood, Dorothy Heywood, Behrad Tarazi, Nasreen Tarazi, Gideon, Astra Logue, Natalie Logue, Alex Logue, Charlie, Sandy Palmer, Lily Stein
Synchronsprecher: Amy Pemberton
Produktionsleiter: Greg Berlanti
Komponist: Blake Neely
Alternative Titel in anderen Ländern (aus Vorankündigungen, Werbung etc.):
"DC Legends of Tomorrow"
"Οι Θρύλοι του Αύριο"
"Leyendas del Mañana"
Filmkameraaufbau: Einzelkamera-Produktion

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