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Jewelpet Tinkle(TV-Show/Serie, 2009-2015)

Originaltitel: "ジュエルペット" (Japanisch/JA) | US Titel: "Jewelpet"

Scripted Reality in 7 Staffeln mit 351 Folgen

Jewelpet TinkleBewertung: 4,4/5 (bei 3 Stimmen) 13
Jewelpet (Japanese: ジュエルペット, Hepburn: Juerupetto), also called Jewel Pets, is a 2009 Japanese fantasy anime series produced by Studio Comet, based on the Jewelpet franchise jointly created by Sanrio and Sega Sammy Holdings. The series was written by Atsushi Maekawa (Digimon Adventure 02, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Fresh Pretty Cure!) with direction from Nanako Sasaki, screenplay by Takashi Yamada (Yumeiro Pâtissière), and produced by Kazuya Watanabe (Onegai My Melody) with character designs from Tomoko Miyakawa. It aired on TV Osaka and TV Tokyo from 5 April 2009 to 26 March 2010, replacing Onegai My Melody Kirara★ in its initial timeslot. Jewelpet marks as Studio Comet's second animation work based on a Sanrio franchise. The series is noted to have a unique storyline, characters and elements revolving around Magic, Witches and Alchemy. The anime expanded into six more series, one movie, three official shojo manga adaptations, one official Light Novel and various Stage Plays, also moving from its previous broadcaster TV Osaka to TV Tokyo. Each series were completely separate season to season, featuring different characters and storylines. Crunchyroll SAS (formerly Viz Media Europe) currently licensed both the first series and Twinkle in Europe. Unlike other San... ()
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Inhalt von Jewelpet Tinkle

Es gibt einem Land namens Jewel Land, wo Tiere und Menschen leben, die die Fähigkeit haben, Magie zu verwenden. In der dortigen magischen Akademie lernen die Tiere, wie sie Magie mit ihren Juwelaugen verwenden. Der weiße Hase Rubin, deren Zauber immer fehlschlagen, wird in die menschliche Welt geschickt, um dort einen Partner zu finden, der auf gleicher Wellenlänge ist wie sie. Akari Sakura, ein ganz normales Mädchen, trifft auf dem Schulweg zufällig den Hasen Rubin. Dieser nimmt sie mit in Jewel Land, wo sie zusammen auf die magische Akademie gehen und sich auf den Grand Prix vorbereiten, denn wenn man dort gewinnt, wird Gewinnern jeder Wusch erfüllt.

Jewelpet Tinkle Staffeln und Folgen

04.04.2015Jewelpet: Magical Change - 39 Folgen
#1 | 04.04.2015Episode 1 (Search for Ruby! / Magical Change with a Magical Stone!)
#2 | 11.04.2015Episode 2 (Laura, Full of Dreams / Labra is Going Out on an Errand of Love)
#3 | 18.04.2015Episode 3 (Magical Change Idol! / I Despise My Tail!)
#4 | 25.04.2015Episode 4 (You Don't Even Need Magic!? / What Kind of Person is Dad?)
#5 | 02.05.2015Episode 5 (Melonpan Carnival / And Everyone's Gone)
#6 | 09.05.2015Episode 6 (Who's the Snack Thief? / Defeat all the Ghosts!)
#7 | 16.05.2015Episode 7 (Sakutaro Adoption Plan / Garnet has arrived!)
#8 | 23.05.2015Episode 8 (Sweets Operation! / Sango's Sweet Shop)
#9 | 30.05.2015Episode 9 (Return the Real Dog)
#10 | 06.06.2015Episode 10 (Patting Shop Paca / Earth's Destruction Paca)
#11 | 13.06.2015Episode 11 (Just do it Kappa)
#12 | 20.06.2015Episode 12 (I want a Pet Labu / Jewel Watch Memories)
#13 | 27.06.2015Episode 13 (Aim! Jewel Castle / Sneak in! Jewel Castle!)
#14 | 04.07.2015Episode 14 (We are Jewel Pads! / Swim! Jewelpets!)
#15 | 11.07.2015Episode 15 (Huge Bathhouse Wish Happens! / This Kind of Sushi Shop is a No!)
#16 | 18.07.2015Episode 16 (The Island of Doctor S / The Fuerupetto is Number One!)
#17 | 25.07.2015Episode 17 (The Idol's Debut Makes a Fuss!? / A Star is Born in the Jewel Cafe!?)
#18 | 01.08.2015Episode 18 (Magical Stamp Rally / The Counterattack of the Empire of the Seals)
#19 | 08.08.2015Episode 19 (The Revenge! Ruby vs. Luea / Give me crayons Labu!)
#20 | 15.08.2015Episode 20 (The Uninvited Sister / The Great Midsummer Change of Sango)
#21 | 22.08.2015Episode 21 (Let Me Hear Your Voice / Ruby and Ruby)
#22 | 29.08.2015Episode 22 (Magical Bilingual Fluency / Sakutaro, in Love During the Summer Festival!?)
#23 | 05.09.2015Episode 23 (The Freeloader Who Came from the Human World)
#24 | 12.09.2015Episode 24 (The Sprout Does Not Appear Labu / The Fashion Show with the See-through Pet)
#25 | 19.09.2015Episode 25 (Ruby’s Rival!? Granite)
#26 | 26.09.2015Episode 26 (The Magical Change into a Jewel Bento / Uncovered! The Secret of the Magical Forture Telling / The M)
#27 | 03.10.2015Episode 27 (It Was the Fight of a Young Girl)
#28 | 10.10.2015Episode 28 (The Story of Jewel Land’s Worst Pet Who Multiplied Her Magic by 40 in 10 Minutes and Restored the Je)
#29 | 17.10.2015Episode 29 (The Idol in Love)
#30 | 24.10.2015Episode 30 (My Own Big Brother... / Ruby and Luea's Decisive Battle, Mediterranean Style)
#31 | 31.10.2015Episode 31 (The Hunt for Jewel Land's Treasure! / Invasion of the Pumpkin People!)
#32 | 07.11.2015Episode 32 (The Jewelpets Are Here! Everyone’s Reunited / The Glasses Are a Part of Luna)
#33 | 14.11.2015Episode 33 (Have I Become a Magical Girl!?)
#34 | 21.11.2015Episode 34 (Au Revoir, Laura / Hello, Hollywood Dream!)
#35 | 28.11.2015Episode 35
Can We Magical Change with the Cool Watch? / I Want a Dream for the Future Labu~
#36 | 05.12.2015Episode 36 (I Hate Airi!? / Sakutaro is Getting Married!?)
#37 | 12.12.2015Episode 37 (Jewel Flash of Love)
#38 | 19.12.2015Episode 38 (Premonition of a Goodbye)
#39 | 26.12.2015Episode 39 (Until We Meet Again)
05.04.2014Lady Jewelpet - 52 Folgen
06.04.2013Jewelpet Happiness - 52 Folgen
07.04.2012Jewelpet Kira Deco! - 52 Folgen
09.04.2011Jewelpet Sunshine - 52 Folgen
03.04.2010Jewelpet Twinkle - 52 Folgen
05.04.2009Jewelpet - 52 Folgen
22.07.2015Specials - 1 Folge

Weitere Informationen

Produktionsland: Japan
Produziert von: Studio Comet
Originalsprache: Japanisch (JA)
Gesprochene Sprachen: Japanisch (JA)
Übersetzt in 9 Sprachen: Deutsch (DE), Englisch (EN), Spanisch (ES), Französisch (FR), Japanisch (JA), Koreanisch (KO), Polnisch (PL), Russisch (RU), Chinesisch (Mandarin) (ZH)
Produktionsstatus: Abgeschlossen
Erste Folge erschien am: 05.04.2009
Letzte Folge erschien am: 26.12.2015
Synchronsprecher: Ayaka Saitō, Nozomi Sasaki, Aya Hirano, Eri Kamei, Rumi Shishido, Miyuki Sawashiro, AKINA, Jun Fukuyama, Yuki Kaida, Rei Sakai, Aki Kanada, Mariya Ise, Yakkun Sakurazuka, Keiko Utsumi, Mayu Hayakawa, Mamoru Miyano, Junko Takeuchi, Mika Ishibashi, Binbin Takaoka, Hidenobu Kiuchi, Junko Minagawa, Hiroshi Shimozaki, Megumi Ozaki, Yūichi Iguchi, Ai Iwamura, Mayumi Tsuchiya, Tomomi Fujita, Hitomi Yoshida
Alternative Titel in anderen Ländern (aus Vorankündigungen, Werbung etc.):
"宝石宠物 Kira☆Deco!"
"Jewelpet Happiness"
"Jewelpet Kira Deco!"
"Jewelpet Sunshine"
"Lady Jewelpet"
"쥬얼펫 트윙클"
Stichwörter: anime

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WatchPlayStream ID: SHOWS:33832, Hinzugefügt: 29.07.2019, Zuletzt aktualisiert: 10.02.2025