
VeggieTales Sammlung(2002)

Larryboy: The Cartoon Adventures is a short-lived American 2D-animated children's direct-to-video series developed by Tom Bancroft as a spin-off of the VeggieTales franchise created by Big Idea Entertainment. Unlike its predecessor VeggieTales, which was animated in CGI using Softimage 3D and later Autodesk Maya, LarryBoy was animated in 2D animation using Adobe Flash.

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Es wurden 3 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/1):

VeggieTales: LarryBoy in Leggo my Ego!(2002)

Join LarryBoy in his battle against the Alchemist and, ultimately, himself. The Alchemist exposes LarryBoy to a substance that causes everyone around him to shrink when his own ego inflates. Find out just how LarryBoy fights this internal struggle.

VeggieTales: LarryBoy and the Yodelnapper!(2002)

3,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Larry Boy goes undercover as a world-famous yodeler to foil the scheme of Green Greta, the Greedy Zucchini, who is kidnapping yodelers out of greed. Things go from bad to worse when Larry Boy tries to capture Greta and is attacked by an entire collection of Hula dolls. But instead of waging a Hawaiian war, Larry Boy sees this as a chance to complete his own Hula doll set. Does Larry Boy really need all the hula dolls? Will he realize how to be content before it’s too late? Or will our hero be overtaken by his own greed? Find out in another exciting Larry Boy adventure!

VeggieTales: LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows(2002)

4,8/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

In a world… In a country… In a state… In a town… In a house… In a machine… Angry eyebrows!!!!!

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