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Free Radicals Sammlung(1997-1998)

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Es wurden 2 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/1):

Free Radicals II(1998)

30 Min. | Dokumentation

Ruben Östlund's second ski film follows his groundbreaking debut with breathtaking scenes from Sweden, France, Switzerland and Alaska.

Free Radicals(1997)

30 Min. | Dokumentation

Östlund discovered his penchant for long takes making ski films, in which unbroken shots prove the authenticity of the unbelievable feats depicted. Stunning compositions and an energetic soundtrack (featuring Swedish hip-hop, electronica, ska, and thrash metal) make this a sensory delight, even for those who aren’t skiing enthusiasts.

WatchPlayStream ID: COLLECTIONS:6709