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Bamse Sammlung(1966-2025)

Bamse is a small brown bear, that becomes the world's strongest bear when he eats his grandmother's special honey called "dunderhonung". Other central characters in the series are the easily frightened rabbit named Little Skip, and the wise turtle Shellman. They are living on three hills, and Bamse's old grandmother lives on the highest and most narrow one, called the High Mountain.

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Es wurden 10 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/1):

Bamse and the Secret of The Sea(2025)

Bamse, Little Skutt and Skalman go out into open water and far down to the bottom of the sea. And Captain Buster is willing to do anything to earn the title of Terror of the Sea.

Bamse and the world's smallest adventure(2023)

A new Bamse movie that will be released in 2023.

Bamse and the Volcano Island(2021)

3,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

The classic trio in the Bamse universe; Bamse, Lille Skutt och Skalman, is going on a thrilling adventure to the centre of the earth. Their mission is to save the explorer Beanka, who has mysteriously disappeared and seems to be a longlost friend of Skalmans. They do not realize that they have a follower though; a smug cat named Kattja. She is determined to get to their destination - what she believes is a treasure - first. Their expedition include being chased by wolves, spending a night at a spooky hotel, climbing a volcano and finally, maybe finding what they all are searching for. However, the treasure is not always what it seems to be.

Bamse and the Thunderbell(2018)

3,3/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Bamse's friends go on a quest to find the Thunderbell, the ingredient that makes Bamse strong. Meanwhile, the sly Reinard pretends to be a good guy to supplant Bamse as the hero of the town and win the affections of Mickelina.

Bamse and the Witch's Daughter(2016)

3,6/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

In Bamse and the Witch’s daughter Croesus Vole finds gold in the beavers' dam. To demolish the dam and get the gold he tricks the witch's daughter Lova to enchant Bamse. With Bamse gone, it's up to the children to help each other to stop Croesus - but to do that they have to be friends.

Bamse and the Thief City(2014)

3,0/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

Sweden's most popular comic book character - the bear Bamse - will now get his first own feature film. In "Bamse and the city of thieves" the strongest bear in the world and his two friends Little Hopp and Shellman show that the best weapon against evil is -friendship (and a few drops of Grandma's Thunder Honey of course).

Bamse and His Most Christmassy Adventure(1991)

2,7/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

Bamse is a good-hearted bear whose grandmother cooks a special kind of honey, that gives him superpowers. When someone starts transforming the bear's friends into balloons and other things, Bamse and his friends Skalman (a turtle) and Lille Skutt (a rabbit) must journey through the woods to stop this person.

Bamse and the Two Horse Rides(1981)

2,3/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Bamse saves a little donkey from a nasty man. Together with his friends he builds a stable for it.

Bamse och den flygande mattan(1972)

16 Min.

- Noch keine Beschreibung / Details vorhanden. -

Bamse De Första Äventyren(1966)

15 Min.

The world's strongest (and kindest) bear.

WatchPlayStream ID: COLLECTIONS:2081