
The Killing of a Chinese Cookie(Film, 2008)

1 Std. 15 Min.
The Killing of a Chinese CookieBewertung: 3,5/5 (bei 11 Stimme)
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Inhalt von The Killing of a Chinese Cookie

For nearly a century, people have turned to a prophetic dessert for advice, inspiration, and even winning lottery combinations. While the fortune cookie has been a source of fascination and Chinese cuisine staple in North America, it remains nearly non-existent in China. This documentary examines the heated debate over the true origin of the fortune cookie, the mixing of eastern and western cultures that produced it, and the cookie's rise from a simple pastry to a pop culture phenomenon.

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Weitere Informationen

Originalsprache: Englisch (EN)
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch (EN), Japanisch (JA)
Übersetzt in 1 Sprache: Englisch (EN)
Produktionsstatus: Veröffentlicht
Veröffentlichungsdatum DE: 09.05.2008
Stichwörter: fortune cookie

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