
The Killing Floor(Film, 1984)

1 Std. 58 Min. | Genre: Drama
The Killing FloorBewertung: 4,0/5 (bei 11 Stimme)
The Killing Floor is a 1984 American made-for-television drama film directed by Bill Duke which highlights the plights of workers fighting to build an interracial labor union in the meatpacking industry in the years leading up to the Chicago race riot of 1919. The film debuted on PBS via the American Playhouse series on April 10, 1984 and was produced by Public Forum Productions, an independent company founded by the film's writer Elsa Rassbach. The teleplay was later adapted by Leslie Lee. In July 2021, the film was shown in the Cannes Classics section at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival. ()
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Inhalt von The Killing Floor

During World War I, a poor black Southerner travels north to Chicago to get work in the city's slaughterhouses, where he becomes embroiled in the organized labor movement.

Trailer für The Killing Floor + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

The Killing Floor (1984) | Trailer | Damien Leake | Alfre Woodard | Dennis Farina(Trailer, 1:51)

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Weitere Informationen

Produziert von: Public Forum Productions
Originalsprache: Englisch (EN)
Übersetzt in 1 Sprache: Englisch (EN)
Produktionsstatus: Veröffentlicht
Veröffentlichungsdatum DE: 10.04.1984
Regisseur: Bill Duke

Ähnliche Filme wie The Killing Floor

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Weitere Filme mit diesem Titel: The Killing Floor (US, 2007), The Killing Floor (2017)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:233846, Hinzugefügt: 30.04.2018, Zuletzt aktualisiert: 14.08.2024