
The Invisible Foe(Film, 1913)

10 Min. | Genre: Drama
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The Invisible Foe is an American short film. It starred Carlyle Blackwell, Louise Glaum and Raymond Hadley. Kalem Company was the producing company. The length is ten minutes. ()
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Inhalt von The Invisible Foe

Mary and Billy are sweethearts. Mr. Stanley, the girl's father, suspects the boy of being a victim of the drug habit. Billy, in an attempt to master his craving, abstains from the drug. He is invited to dinner at his sweetheart's home. Stanley notices the boy's nervousness. He resolves to call upon him at his office and learn the truth. The next day, Billy's desire for the drug becomes so intense that the moment his employees leave the office, he brings out his hypodermic.

Weitere Informationen

Produziert von: Kalem Company
Originalsprache: Englisch (EN)
Gesprochene Sprachen: Keine Sprache (XX)
Übersetzt in 1 Sprache: Englisch (EN)
Produktionsstatus: Veröffentlicht
Veröffentlichungsdatum DE: 13.12.1913
Regisseur: George Melford
Farbe: Schwarz-Weiß

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:475968, Hinzugefügt: 19.02.2022, Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13.09.2024