
The Intruders(Film, 1947)

7 Min. | Genre: Animation / Zeichentrick
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Inhalt von The Intruders

Heckel and Jeckel fly over a country estate and decide it would do just fine as a nesting ground for them, especially since it afforded a few luxuries they could take advantage of. But the Bulldog guardian of the grounds thinks otherwise and makes his objections know. They object to his objections by attacking him with the croquet mallets, pushing him into the swimming pool and several other objectionable ways the talking magpies could come up with.

Weitere Informationen

Originalsprache: Englisch (EN)
Übersetzt in 1 Sprache: Englisch (EN)
Produktionsstatus: Veröffentlicht
Veröffentlichungsdatum DE: 08.05.1947

Weitere Filme mit diesem Titel: The Intruders (US, 1970), The Intruders (SE, 1975), The Intruders (2017)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:255711, Hinzugefügt: 06.05.2018, Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27.02.2023