
Filme: Beste Filme zum Stichwort "diet"

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Es wurden 50 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/2):

Super Size Me(2004)

FSK: ab 0 Jahre
| 1 Std. 40 Min. | Dokumentation
3,4/5 (bei 727 Stimmen)

Einen Monat lang nur bei McDonald's essen: Cheeseburger, Pommes frites, Cola, Big Macs oder Apfeltaschen. Traum oder Albtraum? Diese Frage wollte der Amerikaner Morgan Spurlock in einem filmischen Selbstversuch beantworten und ging drei Mal täglich in Filialen der Fast-Food-Kette essen. Was für manches Kind wie ein Leben im Schlaraffenland klingt, endete für den Amerikaner äußerst unangenehm: Spurlock nahm in 30 Tagen 12 Kilogramm zu und bekam gesundheitliche Probleme...

Regie: Morgan Spurlock - Schauspieler: Morgan Spurlock

The Game Changers(2019)

1 Std. 28 Min. | Dokumentation
3,7/5 (bei 130 Stimmen)

Dokumentation über Spitzenathleten, die sich vegan ernähren. UFC-Kämpfer James Wilks bereist den Globus und trifft andere Athleten, die sich entgegen der gängigen Meinung, Fleisch sei die proteinreichste Nahrung, ausschließlich vegan ernähren.

What The Health: Wie Konzerne uns krank machen und warum niemand was dagegen unternimmt(2017)

1 Std. 37 Min. | Dokumentation
3,5/5 (bei 154 Stimmen)

Der Mensch muss essen um zu überleben und tagtäglich werden unfassbare Mengen an Lebensmitteln weltweit konsumiert. Doch ist das, was wir uns jeden Tag zwischen die Zähne schieben auch wirklich gesund und nahrhaft? In der modernen westlichen Gesellschaft breiten sich Krankheiten wie Fettleibigkeit, Diabetes, Bluthochdruck und Krebs immer weiter aus. Die Ursachen dafür mögen ein Zusammenspiel vieler Faktoren sein wie die Umwelt, genetische Veranlagung oder Lebensstil. Dazu gehört aber auch die Ernährung. Und wie im Dokumentarfilm „What The Health - Wie Konzerne uns krank machen und warum niemand was dagegen unternimmt“ aufgezeigt wird, unternehmen Lebensmittelkonzerne, die Pharmaindustrie und sogar Gesundheitsorganisationen nichts dagegen. Und auch die Regierung scheint etwas damit zu tun zu haben….

Regie: Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn

Cinderella Love Story(2010)

1 Std. 29 Min. | Komödie, TV-Film
3,2/5 (bei 58 Stimmen)

Nola arbeitet tagsüber für ein bekanntes Frauenmagazin, abends schreibt sie unter dem Alias Belinda Apple für eben dieses Magazin berühmte Kolumnen. Doch Nola ist übergewichtig und frustriert wegen der Anfeindungen ihrer Kollegen. Zusammen mit ihren Freundinnen schließt sie einen Pakt: Sie wollen abnehmen und zwar nach den Tipps aus Belindas Kolumne. Auf ihrem Weg zum Traumgewicht trifft Nola auf den attraktiven und sympathischen Chip. Bald muss Nola sich entscheiden, was sie mit ihrem Alter Ego Belinda macht.

Regie: Gary Harvey

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead(2010)

1 Std. 37 Min. | Dokumentation
3,4/5 (bei 55 Stimmen)

100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn't end well— with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn't far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe's personal mission to regain his health.

Regie: Joe Cross, Kurt Engfehr - Schauspieler: Joel Fuhrman

Paradies: Hoffnung(2013)

FSK: ab 12 Jahre
| 1 Std. 32 Min. | Drama
3,2/5 (bei 43 Stimmen)

Teresa fliegt nach Kenia, um sich zu entspannen und sich vielleicht zu verlieben. Ihre Tochter Melanie verbringt ihre Ferien in einem Diät-Camp im Wechselgebirge. Sport, Ernährungsberatung und wilde Kissenschlachten mit anderen Jugendlichen gehören zu ihrem Ferien-Alltag, aber auch Frust wegen des eigenen Körpers und Langeweile. Sie raucht die erste Zigarette ihres Lebens und trifft auf ihre erste große Liebe: einen 40 Jahre älteren Arzt. Der Arzt leitet das Camp und lässt die Schwärmerei des Mädchens zu, auch wenn er weiß, dass dieses Verhältnis nicht sein darf. Teresa will den älteren Mann um jeden Preis verführen und ist verzweifelt, als sie an die Grenzen ihrer Möglichkeiten stößt. Sie ist hin- und hergerissen zwischen der Leidenschaft zu dem Arzt, von dem sie sich Zuneigung erhofft, und dem beträchtlichen Altersunterschied zwischen ihnen beiden.

Was wir essen(2016)

1 Std. 30 Min. | Dokumentation
3,6/5 (bei 31 Stimmen)

Begleiten Sie den preisgekrönten Filmemacher Michal Siewierski auf seiner dreijährigen Reise, auf der er uns die Wahrheit über das was wir essen vor Augen führt. Dieser bahnbrechende Dokumentarfilm geht der Frage nach, wie sich die Nahrungsmittelauswahl auf die Gesundheit der Menschen, des Planeten und auf das Leben anderer Spezies auswirkt. Zudem werden Irrglauben über Nahrung und Ernährung thematisiert sowie neue Sichtweisen auf die Thematik geboten. Der Dokumentarfilm zeigt Interviews mit 28 renommierten Experten wie Dr. T Colin Campbell, Joe Cross, Dr. John McDougall, Capitan Paul Watson, Dr. Michael Greger, Rich Roll, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Dr Toni Bark und vielen anderen. Nach diesem Film werden Sie das Essen auf Ihrem Teller mit anderen Augen sehen.

Regie: Michal Siewierski

Fetty – Der Dicke legt los(1980)

1 Std. 33 Min. | Komödie, Drama, Romantik / Liebe
3,0/5 (bei 12 Stimmen)

Dominick has always been a big kid who loved eating. It was his favourite thing. Then his cousin dies from health complications due to an improper diet and his sister makes him promise to lose some weight. This is very hard for him, but he finds motivation when he falls in love with Lydia. He spends so much time kissing and walking around with her that he no longer eats as many unhealthy things, and he loses weight without even trying.

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5(2015)

3,7/5 (bei 34 Stimmen)

The two remaining puppets learn about eating healthy, but things go awry when they receive a mysterious phone call.

Miso Hungry(2015)

1 Std. 30 Min. | Dokumentation
3,4/5 (bei 10 Stimmen)

Imagine eating nothing but traditional, authentic Japanese cooking for 12 weeks. What sort of health benefits would this kind of diet have on one's body? In a dieting experiment similar to Supersize Me, but towards improving health, award-winning actor and comedian Craig Anderson does just this. Through a series of entertaining and educational scenarios filled with culinary secrets and cultural chaos, Craig investigates how the traditional Japanese diet, along with their active lifestyles, results in the Japanese population being the healthiest and longest living people on the planet. Miso Hungry is a light-hearted documentary about one man's journey to find a simple, painless path towards a healthier life.

Fat Fiction(2020)

1 Std. 55 Min. | Dokumentation
3,1/5 (bei 7 Stimmen)

Leading health experts examine the history of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and question decades of dietary advice insisting that saturated fats are bad for us.

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2(2014)

1 Std. 29 Min. | Dokumentation
3,1/5 (bei 20 Stimmen)

Joe Cross took viewers on his journey from overweight and sick to healthy and fit via a 60-day juice fast in the award-winning Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. With Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2, he looks at keeping healthy habits long-term.

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Hungry for Change(2012)

1 Std. 29 Min. | Dokumentation
3,4/5 (bei 19 Stimmen)

We all want more energy, an ideal body and beautiful younger looking skin... So what is stopping us from getting this? Introducing 'Hungry For Change', the latest 'Food Matters' film. 'Hungry For Change' exposes shocking secrets the diet, weightloss and food industry don't want you to know about. Deceptive strategies designed to keep you craving more and more. Could the foods we are eating actually be keeping us stuck in the diet trap?

Overfed & Undernourished(2014)

1 Std. 35 Min. | Dokumentation
3,6/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Overfed and Undernourished examines a global epidemic and our modern lifestyles through one boy's inspiring and personal journey to regain his health from the inside out.

Schauspieler: Joe Cross


1 Std. 28 Min. | Thriller, Horror
2,0/5 (bei 16 Stimmen)

Five girls travel to a remote mansion in the middle of a island, choosing to feed only on water in order to be purified. Seven days. No food, no electricity, no phones. Is the water their only mean of sustenance or a venom poisoning their minds with hate?

In Defense of Food(2015)

1 Std. 57 Min. | Dokumentation
3,8/5 (bei 11 Stimmen)

In Defense of Food tackles a question more and more people around the world have been asking: What should I eat to be healthy? Based on award-winning journalist Michael Pollan's best-selling book, the program explores how the modern diet has been making us sick and what we can do to change it.


1 Std. 40 Min. | Dokumentation
3,0/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

Fasting may serve as the solution to solve our epidemic of chronic illnesses today. However, most think of only one method of fasting when they hear the term ‘fasting.’ This documentary explores 7 different methods of fasting including Time-Restricted Feeding, Intermittent & Prolonged Fasting, Long-Term Water Fasting, Religious Fasting, Eating Disorders, Improvising or Fasting Unsafely, Fasting Mimicking Diet, and Juice Fasting. The film interviews 54 people including the world’s leading scientists and medical professionals on fasting, as well as individuals who used fasting to treat obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular problems, skin problems, high blood pressure, chronic headaches, joint pain, and many others. This feature motion picture is the most comprehensive and objective look at fasting on film.

Ab morgen machen wir Diät(1951)

3,1/5 (bei 11 Stimmen)

Pummelchen Goofy möchte abnehmen. Doch leider ist nur der Geist willig, in diesem Fall sein Spiegelbild.

Carb-Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat(2014)

1 Std. 14 Min. | Dokumentation
3,4/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

One in three Americans is pre-diabetic. A huge percentage of them do not know that they are sick. Adult onset diabetes is no longer an illness for the obese and elderly. Millions of Americans who regularly exercise and eat a diet recommended by the USDA are classified as "skinny-fat". The connection between the standard American diet and numerous metabolic disorders is now an unspoken fact in most medical circles.

Living Arrangements(2009)

1 Std. 35 Min. | Komödie, Horror, Drama
5,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Sasha and Billie just found a new apartment right next to their favorite coffee shops and thrift stores. Life couldn't be better until they discover a blood-thirsty werewolf living in the attic. Coping with the uninvited roommate challenges their vegan lifestyle and may turn these animal savers into animal slayers.

Popp Dich schlank(2005)

FSK: ab 12 Jahre
| 1 Std. 30 Min. | Komödie, TV-Film
2,4/5 (bei 5 Stimmen)

Paul und Paula sind in ihrem Beruf als Comiczeichner Partner und im Privatleben die besten Freunde. Außerdem haben sie das gleiche Problem: Übergewicht! Als plötzlich Pauls Schulliebe Mariah auftaucht und demnächst in die Stadt zieht, beschließt Paul abzunehmen. Doch schon beim ersten Fitneßversuch bricht er sich das Bein. Und wobei verbrennt man trotz Beinbruch viele Kalorien? Beim Poppen! Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen und nach und nach verfallen alle in seinem Umfeld der Sex-Diät. Letztendlich auch Paula, die ihren guten alten Freund Paul dazu überredet, es miteinander zu treiben. Schließlich kennt man sich ja in- und auswendig und will ja auch nichts weiter voneinander, oder vielleicht doch?

Raw for Life(2007)

4 Std.

Raw For Life is the Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Raw Food Lifestyle and perfect for beginners and Raw Food enthusiasts. This documentary inspires people with the Raw Food philosophy, the wisdom of eating a raw food diet, important medical facts and nutritional information. We have combined the knowledge and expertise of doctors and nutritionists with testimonials from celebrities, athletes, professionals, and chefs who champion the amazing benefits of raw, vegan living foods. In Raw For Life, you will find everything you need to transition to a healthier state of being.

FAT: A Documentary(2019)

1 Std. 35 Min. | Dokumentation
2,9/5 (bei 6 Stimmen)

Weight loss expert Vinnie Tortorich and award-winning filmmaker Peter Pardini want you to join their team to make a hard-hitting documentary film that exposes the widespread myths and lies around healthy eating, fat and weight loss and shows how, in spite of all our good intentions, we go on getting fatter and fatter.

The Perfect Human Diet(2012)

2,9/5 (bei 9 Stimmen)

"The Perfect Human Diet" is an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to our epidemic of overweight obesity and diet-related disease - the #1 killer in America. The film bypasses current dietary group-think by exploring modern dietary science, previous historical findings, ancestral native diets and the emerging field of human dietary evolution; revealing for the first time, the authentic human diet. Film audiences finally have the opportunity to see what our species really needs for optimal health and are introduced to a practical template based on these breakthrough scientific facts.

FAT: A Documentary 2(2021)

1 Std. 20 Min. | Dokumentation
3,3/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

FAT: A Documentary 2 is the sequel to the international sensation that delves deeper into the lies and myths surrounding the age old question: "What should I be eating?".

The Mourners(2014)

13 Min. | Thriller, Drama

On the gravel bed of a river, two friends are trying to catch some fishes. One of them is feeling anxious, as if something tragic is going to happen. Meanwhile, in a damp cellar, some people - obsessed by their appearance - get familiar with a new, brilliant way to get a perfect body: the Marcy Method! Let's walk down the dark path with these characters, to discover just how far people are willing to go, to look beautiful to the others eyes.

Horizon: Eat, Fast and Live Longer(2012)

59 Min. | Dokumentation
3,3/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

British journalist and physician Michael Mosley sets an ambitious goal: to become healthier and lose weight while making as few changes as possible to his life. In working toward these goals, Mosley discovers a powerful new science behind the old idea of fasting, a program that still allows him to enjoy his favorite foods. He takes a road trip across the U.S. to investigate how a little hunger can turn on the body’s “repair genes” and, of course, tries the new science himself. Mosley learns that a diet based on feast and famine has powerful effects on the body, reducing the risks of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. The diet seems to pack the anti-aging clout of calorie restriction while still allowing for a taste of the good life. And it turns out to be not only good for the body; it may also be good for the brain.

The Raw Natural(2012)

58 Min. | Dokumentation
4,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

The Raw Natural documentary explores professional athletes reaching peak performance and untapped potential through raw food nutrition. The film highlights, Evan Strong, who regains his competitive edge in sports through raw food nutrition after a tragic accident that causes him to lose a leg and end his professional career in skateboarding. Evan's accident becomes the impetus for his change in diet to simple, healthy raw food nutrition. Evan is now the world champion in adaptive Snowboarding (Ranked # 1 at the XGames, World Cup, Nationals, etc) See how raw food nutrition has led to incredible new triumphs in the athletic careers of professional athletes in surfing, MMA fighting, tennis, baseball, snowboarding and more... This film also features renowned raw food chefs and leading health and nutrition experts, as well as top athletes and professional players who are also experiencing the benefits from raw food nutrition. What would you do to stay in the game?

Unsupersize Me(2013)

1 Std. 16 Min. | Dokumentation
3,4/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Unsupersize Me documents the inspiring story of Juan-Carlos Asse, owner of Zen Fitness, a personal training studio in Gainesville, Florida, and his quest to prove that a whole foods, plant-based diet coupled with an exercise regimen is capable of remarkably and rapidly improving the health of any and every individual. Asse takes his lifelong passions of fitness and nutrition setting out to demonstrate what he has witnessed in his training studio time and time again. The plant-based diet with exercise is the most effective and expeditious way to obtain optimal health.

Rethinking Cancer(2009)

57 Min. | Dokumentation
4,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Rethinking Cancer is an educational documentary film that provides a rare look into the psychological and therapeutic journeys of five men and women who used biological alternative cancer therapies to overcome serious illness. Their stories represent successes that mainstream medicine and the public ought to know about. Four of the featured subjects had been diagnosed with cancer; two of these patients were considered terminal cases. The fifth patient had a severe case of Lyme disease. All five have outlived their diseases, between 15 and nearly 40 years, thus far.

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