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Television Shows Filmed in Hamilton, Ontario

Öffentliche Liste von WPS mit 30 Filmen bzw. TV-Shows/Serien

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Es wurden 30 TV-Shows/Serien für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/1):

The Umbrella Academy(2019-)

4,3/5 (bei 4.522 Stimmen)

Entfremdete Geschwister mit Superkräften entdecken nach dem Tod ihres Vaters schockierende Familiengeheimnisse und eine ernste Bedrohung für die Menschheit. Im Zentrum steht eine Gruppe von Kindern, die 1989 von Müttern auf die Welt gebracht wurden, die noch am Morgen des „Geburtstags“ kein Zeichen von Schwangerschaft aufwiesen. Der Großindustrielle Sir Reginald Hargreeves adoptierte sieben dieser Kinder und gründete für sie die „Umbrella Academy“, in welcher er sie darauf vorbereiten wollte, mit ihren unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten die Welt vor ihrem drohenden Untergang zu bewahren – denn hinter der Fassade Hargreeves’ steckt ein Außerirdischer. Doch im Teenager-Alter gingen die Schüler getrennte Wege.

Mayor of Kingstown(2021-)

FSK: ab 18 Jahre
| Drama, Krimi
4,0/5 (bei 155 Stimmen)

In der Stadt Kingstown in Michigan ist das nach wirtschaftlichen Grundsätzen betriebene Gefängnis der einzige verbliebene florierende Wirtschaftszweig der Stadt. In der sitzt die McLusky-Familie an den Hebeln der Macht und versucht, „Recht und Gesetz“ in die Stadt zu holen, in der beides fehlt und in der der systematische Rassismus der USA, Korruption und Ungleicheit herrschen.

Das Damengambit(2020)

FSK: ab 16 Jahre
| Drama
4,3/5 (bei 2.019 Stimmen)

In den 1950ern zeigt ein junges Mädchen in einem Waisenhaus ein erstaunliches Talent für Schach. Auf dem Weg zum Erfolg hat sie jedoch mit einem Suchtproblem zu kämpfen.

Lost Girl(2010-2015)

FSK: ab 16 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 44 Min. | Science-Fiction & Fantasy, Drama
3,9/5 (bei 196 Stimmen)

Die Serie handelt von Bo, einem unter Menschen aufgewachsenen übernatürlichen Wesen. Sie ist einSuccubus, die Menschen und auch anderen übernatürlichen Wesen beim Küssen deren Lebensenergie entziehen und sie dadurch töten kann. Nachdem sie versehentlich ihre Jugendliebe getötet hat, flieht sie von Zuhause und führt ein einsames Nomadenleben. Nach einer gewissen Zeit entwickelt Bo einen Hunger auf die Lebensenergie eines Menschen und muss dann jemanden töten, wonach sie an einen anderen Ort weiterzieht.

Good Witch(2015-2021)

FSK: ab 6 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 43 Min. | Komödie, Drama, Science-Fiction & Fantasy
3,9/5 (bei 120 Stimmen)

Die Fernsehserie „Good Witch“ ist eine Fortführung der erfolgreichen Filmreihe über die zauberhafte Welt der modernen Hexe Cassandra ‚Cassie‘ Nightingale und ihrer Tochter Grace. Zu Beginn der Serie bekommen die beiden neue Nachbarn: Sam und sein Teenagersohn sind auf Anhieb vom zauberhaften Duo begeistert. Doch ist es tatsächlich Zufall, dass sie genau dort einziehen?

Falling Skies(2011-2015)

FSK: ab 12 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 1 Std. | Action & Abenteuer, Science-Fiction & Fantasy, Drama
3,5/5 (bei 543 Stimmen)

Falling Skies erzählt die Geschichte einer Invasion von Außerirdischen (Skitter und Mechs genannt) und folgt einer Gruppe von Überlebenden. Im Laufe der Invasion haben die Außerirdischen die Menschheit stark dezimiert und zu Sklaven umfunktioniert. Ziel der Aufklärungsgruppe rund um den Militärhistoriker und Vizebefehlshaber der Widerstandszelle "Die Zweite Massachusetts" Tom Mason ist das Sammeln von Informationen und vor allem das In-Erfahrung-Bringen der Pläne der Außerirdischen.

The Red Green Show(1991-2010)

FSK: ab 12 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 21 Min. | Komödie
3,4/5 (bei 8 Stimmen)

The Red Green Show is a Canadian television comedy that aired on various channels in Canada, with its ultimate home at CBC Television, and on Public Broadcasting Service stations in the United States, from 1991 until the series finale April 7, 2006, on CBC. The Red Green Show is essentially a cross between a sitcom and a sketch comedy series, and is a parody of home improvement, do-it-yourself, fishing, and other outdoors shows.

Hemlock Grove(2013-2015)

FSK: ab 16 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 1 Std. | Mystery, Drama
3,6/5 (bei 230 Stimmen)

Als auf dem Gelände des geschlossenen Stahlwerks Godfrey in der Kleinstadt Hemlock Grove die verstümmelte Leiche eines jungen Mädchens gefunden wird, geraten verschiedene Einwohner unter Verdacht. Dazu gehören auch der arrogante Godfrey-Sohn Roman und der 17-jährige Peter, der seinen Mitschülern gegenüber behauptet, ein Werwolf zu sein. Das Verbrechen kann nicht aufgeklärt werden, woraufhin Roman und Peter gemeinsam den wahren Mörder finden wollen. Ihre Suche bringt erschütternde Wahrheiten über sie selbst und Hemlock Grove ans Licht…


3,8/5 (bei 126 Stimmen)

Nachdem ihr Vater einst die Familie verließ, hat die 16-jährige Henrietta – genannt Henry – zusammen mit ihrer Mutter Cleo schon an vielen Orten Halt gemacht. Doch nun, in der Kleinstadt Reston im Bundesstaat New York, scheint Cleo beim Witwer Thomas Hope etwas dauerhaftes gefunden zu haben. Henry allerdings rebelliert gegen die Kleinstadt und auch Thomas’ Tochter Jenna die in Henrys Alter ist.

Rabbit Hole(2023)

FSK: ab 16 Jahre
| Drama, Mystery
3,6/5 (bei 71 Stimmen)

John Weir (Kiefer Sutherland) ist ein Meister der Täuschung in der Welt der Wirtschaftsspionage. Als eine mächtige Organisation, die die Bevölkerung beeinflussen und kontrollieren kann, ihm einen Mord anhängen will, stellt sich Weir ihnen entgegen und nimmt den Kampf für die Demokratie auf.

Most Dangerous Game(2020-2023)

je Folge ca. 9 Min. | Drama, Action & Abenteuer
3,5/5 (bei 70 Stimmen)

Dodge Maynard ist todkrank – und es bleibt ihm nicht mehr viel Zeit, um seine Frau Val und ihr ungeborenes Kind zumindest finanziell abzusichern und seiner Familie eine unbeschwerte Zukunft ohne Geldsorgen zu ermöglichen. Da kommt das Angebot des zwielichtigen Miles Sellars gerade recht. Der Geschäftsmann bietet dem verzweifelten werdenden Vater einen Deal an: Dodge soll an einer Menschenjagd teilnehmen – und für jede Stunde, die er überlebt, geht eine beträchtliche Summe Geld auf sein Konto, von dem seine Frau und sein Kind gut leben könnten…

The Hot Zone(2019-2021)

FSK: ab 16 Jahre
| je Folge ca. 50 Min. | Drama
3,6/5 (bei 56 Stimmen)

In this anthology series, heroic scientists risk all to deal with deadly outbreaks.

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The Hardy Boys(2020-2023)

je Folge ca. 47 Min. | Drama, Mystery
3,8/5 (bei 23 Stimmen)

Nach dem mysteriösen Mord an ihrer Mutter ziehen die Brüder Frank (Rohan Campbell) und Joe Hardy (Alexander Elliot) zusammen mit ihrem Vater Fenton Hardy (James Tupper) in die Stadt Bridgeport, wo ihre Tante Trudy (Bea Santos). Mit ihren neuen Freunden dort beginnen die Brüder in Sachen Diebstahl eines merkwürdigen Artefakts zu ermitteln, stoßen aber auch auf eine Spur, die zu den Hintergründen des Mordes an ihrer Mutter führt – und sie später auch noch in weitere Geheimnisse ihrer Familie und der neuen Heimatstadt zieht…

Schauspieler: James Tupper

Tucker James der Highschool Blitz(1995-1997)

je Folge ca. 22 Min. | Komödie, Kinder & Familie
4,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

A look at the lives of two best friends and neighbors since birth, Tucker and Rebecca, and their respective adventures as they travel through the world of eighth grade.

Regie: Alex Chapple - Schauspieler: Jewel Staite

Cra$h & Burn(2009-2010)

je Folge ca. 1 Std. | Drama, Komödie
2,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Follow streetwise insurance adjuster Jimmy Burn as he navigates the gritty city streets. He is squeezed between the cutthroat corporate culture that is big insurance, the con artists that make a living claim by claim and the city-wide infiltration of organized crime. Jimmy must dodge shifty clients, crooked lawyers, backstabbing co-workers and the Russian mob as he fights to keep his job. All the while, fighting to make a life for himself and struggling to grab a piece of the middle-class dream – home, family and security.

The Big Cigar(2024-)

Huey P. Newton, Mitbegründer der Black Panther Party, findet in dem Hollywood-Produzenten Bert Schneider einen unerwarteten Verbündeten, der ihm hilft, der Fahndung durch das FBI zu entgehen und nach Kuba zu fliehen.

Schauspieler: André Holland

Dan for Mayor(2010-2011)

je Folge ca. 22 Min. | Komödie
2,3/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Dan Phillips is a 30-something bartender who lives and works in the ordinary city of Wessex. Dan's had the same friends since grade school, his most prized possession is a vintage Ms. Pac-Man game and his last serious relationship was with a girl who is now engaged to someone else. His life seems to be firmly on the path to more of the same... until a chance comment suddenly puts him in the running for mayor of Wessex.

Schauspieler: Fred Ewanuick

The Hilarious House of Frightenstein(1971-1974)

3,8/5 (bei 5 Stimmen)

The Hilarious House of Frightenstein, was a quirky Canadian sketch comedy TV series from the 1970s that included some genuine educational content among the humour. It featured the talented Billy Van, Billy Van, Billy Van, and many more. Fishka Rais played the role of Igor, Joe Torbay portrayed Gronk, Guy Big brought Count Munchkinstein to life, and the legendary Vincent Price made special guest appearances. “Another lovely day begins, for ghosts and ghouls with greenish skin. So close your eyes and you will find that you’ve arrived in Frightenstein. Perhaps the Count will find a way to make his monster work today. For if he solves this monster-mania, he can return to Transylvania! So welcome where the sun won’t shine, to the castle of Count Frightenstein!”

Regie: Riff Markowitz - Schauspieler: Billy Van

Tough As Nails(2020-)

je Folge ca. 44 Min. | Reality-TV
4,4/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Working-class Americans are tested for their strength, endurance, agility and mental toughness in challenges that take place in the real world.

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High(2002-2006)

je Folge ca. 25 Min. | Mystery, Science-Fiction & Fantasy, Komödie
4,3/5 (bei 6 Stimmen)

Black Hole High is a Canadian science fiction television program which first aired in North America in October 2002 on NBC and Discovery Kids. It is set at the fictional boarding school of the title, where a Science Club investigates mysterious phenomena, most of which is centered around a wormhole located on the school grounds. Spanning four seasons, the series developed into a success, and has been sold to networks around the globe. Created by Jim Rapsas, the series intertwines elements of mystery, drama, romance, and comedy. The writing of the show is structured around various scientific principles, with emotional and academic struggles combined with unfolding mysteries of a preternatural nature. In addition to its consistent popularity among children, it has been recognised by adults as strong family entertainment. Forty-two episodes of the series, each roughly twenty-five minutes in length, have been produced, the last three of which premiered in January 2006. Those three final episodes that aired were combined into a film, Strange Days: Conclusions. The show was filmed at the Auchmar Estate on the Hamilton Escarpment in Hamilton, Ontario.

Run The Burbs(2022-)

je Folge ca. 22 Min. | Komödie
3,3/5 (bei 5 Stimmen)

Run the Burbs follows the Phams, a young, bold Vietnamese-South Asian-Canadian family taking a different approach to living life to the fullest, while changing the way we think about contemporary family values and life in the burbs.


je Folge ca. 22 Min. | Komödie
3,3/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Shannon Ross puts Toronto in the rearview to focus on her new job as the executive director of the Hamilton East Animal Shelter, where she is boss to an eclectic staff.

Power Play(1998-2000)

je Folge ca. 1 Std. | Drama
5,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Power Play was a Canadian television drama series, which aired on CTV from 1998 to 2000. The series was filmed at Copps Coliseum in Hamilton, Ontario. The show starred Michael Riley as Brett Parker, a former New York City sports agent who became the general manager of a National Hockey League franchise, the Hamilton Steelheads. One of the throughline plots of the series dealt with Parker's ongoing love–hate relationships with the sport, the team and his superior at McArdle Industries, corporate executive Colleen Blessed, played by Kari Matchett. The cast also included Gordon Pinsent as team owner Duff McArdle, Jonathan Crombie, Jennifer Dale and Al Waxman. The show's theme song was a modernized version of the Stompin' Tom Connors classic, "The Hockey Song", performed partly by Connors himself, and then transitioning to the performance of the band Rusty. The show was briefly aired on the US network UPN, starting in 1999, but was pulled after just two episodes. The second episode aired in the US has the distinction of being the lowest-rated episode of any prime-time TV series ever aired by any US network.


je Folge ca. 45 Min. | Drama
1,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

MVP is a 2008 Canadian television series that debuted January 11, 2008 on CBC Television. The program was cancelled by the CBC on March 7, 2008. Poor ratings and high production costs were cited as reasons for the cancellation.

Regie: T. W. Peacocke - Schauspieler: Lucas Bryant


je Folge ca. 30 Min. | Kinder & Familie
2,8/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Ramona is a Canadian children's television series which followed the life of eight-year-old title character Ramona Quimby. It was based on the Ramona book series by Beverly Cleary. The television series debuted on September 10, 1988, and its ten episodes spanned four months. The TV series was released on video by Lorimar Home Video, but when Lorimar Home Video was acquired by Warner Communications, video releases were now released by Warner Home Video. It was distributed by Ramona Productions and Atlantis Films, but when Atlantis Films was acquired by Alliance Films, Alliance Atlantis was the owner and was then by Alliance Films in 2008 airings because of the Alliance Atlantis collapse. Eight-year-old Ramona Quimby feels that no one really understands her. She's bright, imaginative, and according to her older sister, Beezus, a "pest". Every day she tries to find out more about herself and her world, with an optimism that only children possess. The series follows Ramona's adventures in school and at home as her family struggles with financial woes and the coming of a new baby.

Schauspieler: Sarah Polley

Smith & Smith(2024-)

je Folge ca. 30 Min.
2,3/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Smith & Smith is a Canadian sketch comedy series, which aired from 1979 to 1985 on Hamilton, Ontario's CHCH-TV, and through syndication on other Canadian television stations. The show starred the husband and wife comedy duo of Steve Smith and Morag Smith. The show took a one-year hiatus in 1985, during which the Smiths and their children Max and David starred in the family sitcom Me & Max. After that show ended its run, Steve and Morag revived Smith & Smith under the new title The Comedy Mill. In 1991, Morag retired from performing and Steve launched his most famous series, The Red Green Show. Red Green was originally created as a recurring character on Smith & Smith. Other recurring characters included a judge, played by Morag, while Steve's characters included Shakespeare and a preacher. Sketches also included "The Kids' Show", a Polka Dot Door parody in which the hosts constantly bickered and insulted each other, and a sketch set in a bakery, in which Morag played the male front counter attendant and Steve played the female baker. Each show also included a humorous musical number, performed in costume, focusing on a famous couple in history, as well as a mailbag segment. The latter was retained in The Red Green Show, albeit in less earnest form.

Schauspieler: Steve Smith, Morag Smith

Party Game(2024-)

3,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Party Game was a Canadian television game show in the 1970s, produced by Hamilton independent station CHCH-TV from 1970 to 1981. It aired throughout Canada in syndication, broadcast on 32 stations at its peak. Hosted by Bill Walker, the show featured two teams of three players in a charades competition. The Challenger Team was composed of a contestant joined with two guest star players who appeared either for a single day or for the whole week, while the Home Team consisted of series regulars Jack Duffy, Dinah Christie and Billy Van. Using game play similar to the American game show Pantomime Quiz, answers were usually jokes or complex phrases based around a pun or some other form of word play. Viewers at home were also invited to send their own joke or phrase, which if used, could win them a small prize. Party Game was produced by Riff Markowitz, the executive producer and star of The Randy Dandy Show and executive producer of The Hilarious House of Frightenstein. It was taped in a double suite at the Windsor Arms Hotel in Toronto. The set was a simple living room type with couches and a few wall pictures and pieces. The voice-over announcer who announced each charade was credited as "Gardiner Westbound", an obvious nod to a stretch of the Gardiner Expressway in Downtown Toronto, but was actually producer Markowitz.

Schauspieler: Jack Duffy

The Comedy Mill(2024-)

je Folge ca. 30 Min.
2,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

The Comedy Mill was a Canadian sketch comedy series, which aired from 1986 to 1991 on Hamilton, Ontario's CHCH-TV, and through syndication on other Canadian television stations. The show starred the husband and wife comedy duo of Steve Smith and Morag Smith. The supporting cast included Peter Keleghan, Linda Kash and Mag Ruffman. The show was a revival of their earlier Smith & Smith series, which ended in 1985. For the 85-86 television season, the Smiths and their children Max and David starred in the family sitcom Me & Max. After The Comedy Mill ended its run, Morag retired from performing and Steve launched his most famous series, The Red Green Show. Red Green had appeared as a recurring character on The Comedy Mill.

Schauspieler: Steve Smith, Morag Smith, Mag Ruffman, Linda Kash, Peter Keleghan

Me & Max(2024-)

je Folge ca. 30 Min.

Me & Max was a situation comedy produced for Canadian television station CHCH-TV in 1985. Evolving out of the sketch comedy series Smith & Smith, Me & Max starred husband-and-wife comedy team Steve Smith and Morag Smith, and their kids Max and David. All four members of the Smith family played fictionalized versions of themselves, and Steve and Morag also played other characters, such as the neighbours and the boys' uncle Red Green, through split-screen photography. The series lasted for 26 episodes, at which time Steve and Morag Smith went on to produce another sketch comedy series, The Comedy Mill. Following the end of that show's run, Steve Smith developed another series, The Red Green Show. The character of Red Green had appeared in all of the Smiths' previous shows, including Me & Max.

Schauspieler: Steve Smith, Morag Smith

Don Messer's Jubilee(2024-)

je Folge ca. 30 Min.

Don Messer's Jubilee was a television folk musical variety show produced at station CBHT in Halifax, Nova Scotia and broadcast by CBC Television nationwide from 1957 until 1969. Taking its name from band leader and fiddler Don Messer, the half-hour weekly program featured Messer and his band "Don Messer and His Islanders", as well as a guest performer. The show followed a consistent format throughout its years, beginning with a tune named "Goin' to the Barndance Tonight", followed by fiddle tunes by Messer, songs from some of his "Islanders" including singers Marg Osburne and Charlie Chamberlain, the featured guest performance, and a closing hymn. It ended with "Till We Meet Again". The series began 7 November 1957 as a regional program limited to CBC's Nova Scotia and New Brunswick stations. On 7 August 1959, CBC stations throughout Canada carried the show as a summer replacement for Country Hoedown's Friday evening time slot. That fall, Don Messer's Jubilee became a regular season CBC series as of 28 September 1959, becoming a Monday night fixture until its final 1968-1969 season when it returned to the Friday evening timeslot. Outside of Hockey Night In Canada, in the mid-1960s Don Messer's Jubilee was the #1 show in the country, earning higher ratings than even the imported CBS variety show, The Ed Sullivan Show. The guest performance slot gave national exposure to numerous Canadian folk musicians, including Stompin' Tom Connors and Catherine McKinnon.

Schauspieler: Don Messer
Schlagworte: #tv #tele
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