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Kurzfilme aus dem Jahr 1917

Öffentliche Liste von WPS mit 83 Filmen bzw. TV-Shows/Serien

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Es wurden 83 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/3):

Der Einwanderer(1917)

3,7/5 (bei 144 Stimmen)

Charlie möchte per Schiff in die USA einwandern und erlebt dabei einige Abenteuer. Zuerst gewinnt er zwar Geld beim Kartenspielen, wird jedoch des Diebstahls bezichtigt und ist ziemlich schnell wieder pleite. Auf dem Festland angekommen, versucht er die schöne Edna über den Tod ihrer Mutter hinwegzutrösten, indem er sie zum Essen einläd. Nur leider hat keiner von beiden genug Geld dabei….

Der Unglücksrabe(1917)

26 Min. | Komödie, Abenteuer
3,5/5 (bei 55 Stimmen)

Charlie flieht aus dem Gefängnis, rettet ein Mädchen und dessen Mutter vor dem Ertrinken und sorgt für Chaos auf einer schicken Party.

Leichte Straße(1917)

26 Min. | Komödie, Action
3,6/5 (bei 74 Stimmen)

Ein ehemaliger Landstreicher wird Polizist und muss sich mit einem großgewachsenen Schläger anlegen, der eine Straße in der Innenstadt kontrolliert.

His Wedding Night(1917)

19 Min. | Komödie
2,8/5 (bei 23 Stimmen)

Al and Roscoe, employees at a gas station, are rivals for Alice. When Buster delivers a wedding gown for Alice and begins modeling it, he is mistaken for Alice and is kidnapped by Al.

The Butcher Boy(1917)

30 Min. | Komödie
3,1/5 (bei 25 Stimmen)

Customers and clerks frolic in a general store. Roscoe walks out of the freezer wearing a fur coat, then does some clever cleaver tossing. In Buster's film debut he buys a pail of molasses.

The Rough House(1917)

22 Min. | Komödie
2,9/5 (bei 26 Stimmen)

Living under the same roof with his newly-wed wife and his mother-in-law, a careless Mr Rough sets the nuptial bedroom on fire, as the residence's cook tries to woo the maid who only has eyes for the charming delivery boy. As one thing leads to another, Mr Rough ends up preparing dinner for a pair of duplicitous guests, when, clearly, he should be staying out of the kitchen. Does Mrs Rough know the visitors' true intentions? But, above all, how will this disastrous dinner party at the Rough house end?

Oh, Doctor!(1917)

23 Min. | Komödie, Krimi
3,0/5 (bei 21 Stimmen)

Roscoe is a doctor who falls in love with a pretty woman whose boyfriend, in turn, falls in love with Roscoe's wife's jewelry.

A Country Hero(1917)

20 Min. | Komödie
2,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Fatty plays a village blacksmith in “Jazzville,” an imaginary rural village. There is a rivalry between Fatty and Cy Klone, the garage owner, over the affections of a pretty schoolteacher. A city chap unites the two rivals when he tries to steal the girl. An annual village ball features amateur talent in vaudeville stunts with Keaton as a wriggling Fatima who charms a long black stocking from a cigar box like a snake. The film is presumed lost.

For Happiness(1917)

40 Min. | Drama
3,3/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Since Zoya Verenskaya's husband passed away ten years ago, she has been devoted to her daughter Lee. At present, Lee is in poor health, and she is in danger of losing her eyesight. Zoya's suitor Dmitry wants to get married, but Zoya is determined to wait until Lee is better. Then, on a vacation in the Crimea, they learn Lee's true feelings for Dmitry, and suddenly all of their lives are thrown into turmoil.

The Tornado(1917)

30 Min. | Western
2,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

The Tornado mostly followed pulp Western formula -- bad guys hold up a town, take a girl hostage, and the hero rides to the rescue. But there were a couple of twists that made it seem more personal than the usual cowboy fare. Ford's Jack Dayton ... is known as "the No-Gun Man" because he faces the villains unarmed, anticipating the character played by James Stewart in George Marshall's 1939 Western comedy classic Destry Rides Again. Dayton is an immigrant who uses the reward money to bring over his mother (Jean Hathaway) from Ireland, a prototypically Fordian situation if there ever was one.

Regie: John Ford - Schauspieler: John Ford, Duke Worne

Lonesome Luke on Tin Can Alley(1917)

22 Min. | Komödie

Luke is a pickpocket, hiding out from the cops in a dive in the slum part of town. He later winds up in a boxing match which again brings the law on his tail.


10 Min. | Komödie
3,3/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

In order to claim his inheritance, our hero must first produce a wife and family.

Regie: Alfred J. Goulding - Schauspieler: Harold Lloyd, Bebe Daniels, Sammy Brooks, James Morrison
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A Clever Dummy(1917)

23 Min. | Komödie
2,5/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

An inventor and his assistant build a robot that looks like their janitor, and everyone tries to profit off the invention.

Regie: Robert P. Kerr, Herman C. Raymaker, Mack Sennett

The Empty Gun(1917)

30 Min. | Western

- Noch keine Beschreibung / Details vorhanden. -

Regie: Joe De Grasse - Schauspieler: Lon Chaney, Sam De Grasse

A Reckless Romeo(1917)

23 Min. | Komödie
2,7/5 (bei 5 Stimmen)

Roscoe flirts with a girl in the park. Later he takes his wife and mother-in-law to the movies only to see his flirtation showing on the screen.

Step Lively(1917)

13 Min. | Komödie
2,3/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Snub Pollard plays a drunken man-about-town who believes Harold has robbed him. Meanwhile, Bebe has her hands full with a lounge lizard who won't take no for an answer.

The Villain(1917)

21 Min. | Komödie
2,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

In The Villain, Billy attempted something a little different. He's still imitating Chaplin, but this time he's playing the wicked, top-hatted Charlie found in some of his earliest Keystone appearances (e.g. Mabel at the Wheel), the ones where Charlie himself seemed to be imitating the studio's recently departed Ford Sterling. Throughout this short there is much spoofing of old-time melodramas, a frequent motif of Sterling's comedies.

Over the Fence(1917)

5 Min. | Komödie
3,0/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Snitch steals Ginger's (stolen) baseball tickets and takes Ginger's girl to the game. Finding himself without tickets, Ginger dresses as a baseball player and wins the game. A possible debut of the "Glasses" or "Boy" character.

Teddy at the Throttle(1917)

26 Min. | Komödie
3,1/5 (bei 7 Stimmen)

Gloria Dawn lives down the hall from her sweetheart, Bobbie Knight. The dishonest Henry Black is Gloria's guardian, and he is also in charge of Bobbie's inheritance. The scheming guardian and his sister have been spending Bobbie's money, and they hope to have the sister marry Bobbie so that they can keep control over his money.

The Hero(1917)

2,8/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

The Hero is a 1917 silent comedy film featuring Billy West & Oliver Hardy.

The Hobo(1917)

20 Min. | Komödie
2,2/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Billy is a hobo who hangs around the train station. He creates disruption in the ticket office, at the lunch counter, and in the lives of some of the customers.

The Big Idea(1917)

9 Min. | Komödie
2,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

A clerk in a failing antiques store gets a big idea on how to move the merchandise so that he can save the store and possibly win the girl.

The Man from Tia Juana(1917)

22 Min. | Western

Jack Hoxie and Marin Sais star in this 'American Girl' short. A courageous young woman must clear her boyfriend after he is framed for a hold-up.

Lonesome Luke Loses Patients(1917)

22 Min. | Komödie

Luke operates a sanatarium, which he has naturally staffed with a bevy of attractive nurses.

Regie: Hal Roach - Schauspieler: Harold Lloyd

Cheyenne's Pal(1917)

20 Min. | Krieg
2,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

During World War I, westerner Cheyenne Harry is a horse seller, but he refuses to part with his favorite horse and friend, Cactus. One night, broke and drunk, he sells Cactus to an Englishman for $350 which he soon loses gambling. When Harry discovers that Cactus is being sent to the war in France and probable death, he gets a horse- tending job on the ship. When they get the opportunity Harry jumps off the ship with Cactus and they swim to shore. Harry is eventually caught but is allowed to work off his debt and keep Cactus.

The Bad Man of Cheyenne(1917)

20 Min. | Western

Sheriff Crane's wife and child are preparing for a little journey with their wagon and team. On arriving at the store, the wife, on attempting to get out, stumbles and startles the horses, which causes them to run away, the child hanging on to the wagon. This is seen by Harry, who gives chase, captures the runaway horses, and returns the child, unhurt, to the mother.

Regie: Fred Kelsey - Schauspieler: Harry Carey

By the Sad Sea Waves(1917)

10 Min. | Komödie
2,6/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Our vagabond hero dons a lifeguard's uniform and madcap antics ensue on the beach, and in the changing stalls!


12 Min. | Komödie
2,2/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

A counterfeit count is aided in his courtship of the heroine by her father who is overwhelmed by his "title.".

The Soul Herder(1917)

30 Min. | Western
2,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Harry is thrown out of town and on his way across the desert meets a minister and his family; when the man is killed in an Indian raid, Harry takes care of his little daughter, later puts on the minister's frock and reforms a town.

The Golden Thought(1916)

A deputy marshal rounds up the bad guys and gets the girl.

Regie: Tom Mix
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