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Drama-Filme (Dramen) aus dem Jahr 1933

Öffentliche Liste von WPS mit 226 Filmen bzw. TV-Shows/Serien

Verwandte Listen: 1900 | 1901 | 1902 | 1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939 | 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

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Es wurden 223 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/8):

Baby Face(1933)

1 Std. 16 Min. | Drama, Romantik / Liebe
3,6/5 (bei 46 Stimmen)

A young woman uses her body and her sexuality to help her climb the social ladder, but soon begins to wonder if her new status will ever bring her happiness.


1 Std. 50 Min. | Drama, Krieg
2,8/5 (bei 58 Stimmen)

Die Geschichte einer wohlhabenden Londoner Familie zwischen 1899 und 1933. Ein Engländer verliert durch die Titanic-Katastrophe den ersten Sohn, im ersten Weltkrieg den zweiten. Bleibt mit seiner Frau allein zurück; resigniert, aber mit Haltung.

The Life of Jimmy Dolan(1933)

1 Std. 28 Min. | Drama, Romantik / Liebe
2,9/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Champion boxer Jimmy Dolan has cultivated a wholesome image for himself, but he's a boozer and womanizer behind the scenes. Intoxicated at a party, he punches a reporter who threatens to expose his hypocrisy, and accidentally kills him. Dolan panics and skips town, winding up on a farm that serves as a home for disabled children run by kindhearted Peggy. As the cynical Dolan falls for Peggy, he begins to change his ways.

Morgenrot des Ruhms(1933)

1 Std. 14 Min. | Drama, Romantik / Liebe
3,2/5 (bei 16 Stimmen)

Wildly optimistic chatterbox Eva Lovelace is a would-be actress trying to crash the New York stage. She attracts the interest of a paternal actor, a philandering producer, and an earnest playwright. Is she destined for stardom, or will she fade like a morning glory after its brief blooming?


1 Std. 36 Min. | Komödie, Romantik / Liebe
3,3/5 (bei 19 Stimmen)

Filmstar Lola Burns will ihren Ruf als blonde Sexbombe entschärfen, indem sie ein Baby adoptiert. Das aber passt den Studiobossen gar nicht.

Fast Workers(1933)

1 Std. 6 Min. | Drama
3,2/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Gunner and Bucker are friends who work as riveters. Whenever Bucker gets the urge to marry, which is often, Gunner will hit on his girl to see if she is true or not. So far, Gunner hasn't failed. But one night, while Gunner is in jail, Bucker meets Mary, a tough dame with a line. He falls for her, and she falls for his money. But Mary is already a gal pal of Gunner, and no two know about the third one. The trouble starts when the triangle is revealed too late.

Das Privatleben Heinrichs VIII.(1933)

3,2/5 (bei 28 Stimmen)

Ein mit der Hinrichtung Anne Boleyns 1536 beginnender tragikomischer Streifzug durch die weiteren vier Ehen des gewalttätigen Tudor-Königs – bis Heinrich, alt geworden, unter der Fuchtel seiner sechsten Gemahlin steht, die ihn überleben wird.

Every-Night Dreams(1933)

1 Std. 4 Min. | Drama
3,6/5 (bei 10 Stimmen)

In the formally ravishing Every-Night Dreams, set in the dockside neighborhoods of Tokyo, a single mother works tirelessly as a Ginza bar hostess to ensure a better life for her young son—until her long-lost husband returns.

Before Dawn(1933)

1 Std. | Mystery, Drama
2,9/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

After the death of a gangster, those familiar with his million dollar stash start mysteriously dying. Police detectives with the help of a clairvoyant try to determine who, living or dead, is responsible.

Regie: Irving Pichel - Schauspieler: Stuart Erwin

Passing Fancy(1933)

1 Std. 40 Min. | Komödie, Drama
3,3/5 (bei 9 Stimmen)

Two Tokyo co-workers come across a destitute young lady in search of a place to live.

Regie: Yasujirō Ozu - Schauspieler: Takeshi Sakamoto

Ahasver, der ewige Jude(1933)

1 Std. 51 Min. | Drama, Fantasy
3,7/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens steht ein Jude, der, seitdem er einst Jesus Christus auf seinem Leidensweg nach Golgatha beleidigte, dazu verdammt ist, auf ewig zu leben. Nacherzählt werden vier Stationen seiner langen Wanderungen durch die Zeiten. In der ersten Episode wird von Ahasvers “Sündenfall” berichtet, der zu dem ihm auferlegten Fluch führt. Auf die Verkündigung des Fluches folgt in Episode Zwei Ahasvers Begegnung mit den Kreuzzüglern im Heiligen Land. Im dritten Teil lebt der ewige Jude das Leben eines Kaufmannes in Italien, während er im vierten Teil als ein der Hexerei beschuldigter Arzt Erlösung und inneren Frieden durch den Flammentod auf dem Scheiterhaufen zur Zeit der Inquisition in Spanien findet. "The Wandering Jew" erlebte seine Uraufführung am 20. November 1933 in London (Verkaufspräsentation). Dieser philosemitische Streifen durfte erwartungsgemäß im Dritten Reich nicht gezeigt werden, wurde aber in Österreich ab Juni 1934 gezeigt.

Regie: Maurice Elvey - Schauspieler: Conrad Veidt

Employees' Entrance(1933)

1 Std. 15 Min. | Drama, Romantik / Liebe
3,4/5 (bei 7 Stimmen)

Kurt Anderson is the tyrannical manager of a New York department store in financial straits. He thinks nothing of firing an employee of more than 20 years or of toying with the affections of every woman he meets. One such victim is Madeline, a beautiful young woman in need of a job. Anderson hires her as a salesgirl, but not before the two spend the night together. Madeline is ashamed, especially after she falls for Martin West, a rising young star at the store. Her biggest fear is that Martin finds out the truth about her "career move.".

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1 Std. 57 Min. | Drama
3,0/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

The happy life of an Eskimo is disastrously changed when he mingles with an unscrupulous white trader.

Kinder auf den Straßen(1933)

1 Std. 8 Min. | Drama
3,5/5 (bei 17 Stimmen)

Amerika in den 20ern: Die Familien von Eddie (Frankie Darro) und Tommy (Edwin Philips) leiden unter der Wirtschaftskrise. Die beiden Jungs haben gerade die Highschool abgeschlossen, finden aber keinen Job. So schleichen sie sich fort, um in Chicago ihr Glück zu machen. Unterwegs treffen sie auf die burschikose Sally….


1 Std. 36 Min. | Drama, Krieg, Romantik / Liebe, Komödie
3,2/5 (bei 5 Stimmen)

A mother from Arkansas is very possessive of her grown son. To prevent him from getting married she has him drafted into WW I.

Der Mann mit der Kamera(1933)

1 Std. 17 Min. | Drama, Action, Krimi
3,5/5 (bei 11 Stimmen)

An ex-con uses his street smarts to become a successful photojournalist.

Woman of Tokyo(1933)

47 Min. | Drama
3,4/5 (bei 14 Stimmen)

Ryoichi and Chikako, brother and sister, live together. Chikako toils during the day and, at night, prostitutes herself to fund his college tuition.

Counsellor at Law(1933)

1 Std. 22 Min. | Drama
3,4/5 (bei 10 Stimmen)

A successful lawyer struggles to deal with his wife's unfaithfulness and his own hidden past.

Stage Mother(1933)

1 Std. 25 Min. | Drama, Romantik / Liebe
2,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Kitty Lorraine has one purpose in life: turning her daughter Shirley into a star. Kitty controls every aspect of the girl's nascent career -- even blackmailing a stage manager so that Shirley can take a more prestigious gig. But Kitty goes too far when she breaks up her daughter's budding relationship with sweet artist Warren Foster. Heartbroken, Shirley sets off on a series of disastrous but profitable relationships.


1 Std. 20 Min. | Drama
2,9/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Daniel Pardway, starting with almost nothing after the great Chicago fire, builds the biggest department store in town. He wants to pass on the business to his three sons and daughter, but has to deal with their lack of interest or aptitude.

Regie: John Cromwell - Schauspieler: Lionel Barrymore


FSK: ab 12 Jahre
| 1 Std. 24 Min. | Drama
3,3/5 (bei 6 Stimmen)

Eine Airline führt die ersten Nachtflüge über die Anden um das Jahr 1930 durch. Von Chile nach Brasilien müssen dringend lebenswichtige Medikamente transportiert werden. Den erfolgreichen Flug bezahlt der Pilot Fabian mit seinem Leben.

Heroes for Sale(1933)

1 Std. 12 Min. | Drama
3,6/5 (bei 10 Stimmen)

Tom Holmes is someone guided by honesty and moral rectitude, a heroic veteran of the World War I marked by the unbearable suffering caused by his battle wounds, a traumatized but courageous man who will experience, in the years to come, the pain of misfortune but also the happiness of success and hope and love for other human beings.

Hell Below(1933)

1 Std. 41 Min. | Romantik / Liebe, Drama, Krieg
3,2/5 (bei 6 Stimmen)

On leave in Italy, Lt. Tommy Knowlton falls in love with Jean Standish, who's not only married, but is the daughter of his submarine's commander. Friction between the two officers becomes intolerable once at sea and after Commander Toler is forced to abandon Tommy's best friend topside while the sub dives to escape enemy planes, Tommy is no longer able to contain his anger.

Strictly Personal(1933)

1 Std. 11 Min. | Drama
2,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Soapy Gibson (Edward Ellis) and his wife Annie (Marjorie Rambeau) run a lonely hearts club in a small town. Even during the Depression years these were often "clip joints" - places where people with money but no mate got taken by someone offering the promise of companionship. However, Soapy and Annie are strictly on the level - and they have more than one reason to want to stay on the level. You see Soapy escaped from the law years ago, had some plastic surgery and changed his name, and has been living on the lam with his wife ever since.

Regie: Ralph Murphy - Schauspieler: Marjorie Rambeau

Don Quixote(1933)

2,9/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

Von G.W. Pabst selber in englischer Sprache gedrehte Version seiner Adaption von Don Quichotte.

The Nuisance(1933)

1 Std. 23 Min. | Komödie, Drama, Romantik / Liebe
4,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Fast-talker extraordinaire Tracy gives one of his quintessential wiseguy performances as a conniving ambulance chaser who falls in love with Evans, unaware she's a special investigator for a streetcar company he's repeatedly victimized.

Only Yesterday(1933)

1 Std. 45 Min. | Drama, Romantik / Liebe
3,4/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.

Headline Shooter(1933)

1 Std. 1 Min. | Abenteuer, Drama
3,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

A newsreel photographer neglects his love life to get the perfect shot.

Regie: Otto Brower - Schauspieler: William Gargan

The Past of Mary Holmes(1933)

1 Std. 10 Min. | Drama

Mary Holmes (MacKellar), once a famous opera star known as Maria di Nardi, now lives in a run-down shanty and suffers from alcoholism. Known for her eccentric behavior, Mary breeds geese, and is thus known in her neighborhood as 'The Goose Woman'. She blames her grown son Geoffrey (Linden) for the deterioration of her voice, and does everything to destroy his life. When Geoffrey, who works as a commercial artist, announces to her that he will marry Joan Hoyt (Arthur), an actress, she becomes torn with jealousy and threatens to reveal to Joan that he is an illegitimate birth.

Friday the Thirteenth(1933)

1 Std. 29 Min. | Komödie, Drama
3,2/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

It is pouring with rain at one minute to midnight on Friday the thirteenth, and the driver of a London bus is peering through his blurred windscreen as his vehicle sails down an empty road. Suddenly, lightning strikes, and a vast crane above topples into the path of the oncoming bus... Then Big Ben begins to wind backwards. Time recedes. And we discover the lives of all the passengers and the events that brought them to that late-night bus journey, from the con-man with a hundred-pound cheque to the businessman's distraught and elderly wife. Time flows on, inevitably, to the crash -- and past it, as some live and some die.

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