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Filme der 2000er Jahre auf Bulgarisch

Öffentliche Liste von WPS mit 13 Filmen bzw. TV-Shows/Serien

Verwandte Listen: Filme auf Bulgarisch | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 2010

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Es wurden 13 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/1):


FSK: ab 0 Jahre
| 2 Std. 8 Min. | Komödie, Drama
3,7/5 (bei 3.472 Stimmen)

Nach seiner Ankunft am New Yorker John-F.-Kennedy-Flughafen gerät der Osteuropäer Viktor Navorski in die Mühlen der Bürokratie. Durch einen Staatsstreich in seinem Land plötzlich heimatlos geworden, darf Navorski nicht in die USA einreisen. Gefangen in der hektischen Welt des Flughafens versucht Viktor, sich ein Zuhause zu schaffen. Er findet Freunde und einen Job, verliebt sich und lernt schließlich Amerika kennen...

Eastern Plays(2009)

1 Std. 23 Min. | Drama
3,3/5 (bei 15 Stimmen)

Die Brüder Itso und Georgi haben sich seit langer Zeit nicht mehr gesehen, als sie sich plötzlich unverhofft gegenüberstehen. Georgi als Mitglied einer Gruppe Neonazis, die eine türkische Familie verprügelt, und der drogensüchtige Künstler Itso als deren Retter. Der Vorfall lässt beide an ihrem bisherigen Dasein zweifeln. Itso hofft, endlich seinem miserablen Dasein in Sofia zu entfliehen, während Georgi Zweifel an seinen politischen Überzeugungen kommen.

Regie: Kamen Kalev - Schauspieler: Saadet Aksoy, Ivan Nalbantov, Hatice Aslan, Kerem Atabeyoglu, Anjela Nedyalkova, Ovanes Torosyan, ...

Die Welt ist groß und Rettung lauert überall(2008)

1 Std. 45 Min. | Drama
3,4/5 (bei 18 Stimmen)

The story of Alex, who, with the help of his charismatic grandfather, embarks on a journey in search of his real self.


FSK: ab 16 Jahre
| 1 Std. 32 Min. | Thriller, Krimi, Drama
3,0/5 (bei 17 Stimmen)

Fehlurteil Mord. Über 20 Jahre saß Motte unschuldig im Knast, als er in den 60er Jahren entlassen wird. Nun irrt er wie hypnotisiert durch die Straßen eines für ihn vollkommen fremden Sofias, der Hauptstadt Bulgariens. Die totalitäre Stadt wirkt entsetzlich - düstere Straßen, der riesige Dom, der beängstigende Friedhof und die pompöse kommunistische Architektur um das Mausoleum herum. Alles steht kurz vor dem Verfall, die Stimmung ist schrecklich bedrückend. In seiner ersten Nacht in Freiheit muss Motte eine atemberaubende Hetzjagd gegen die Zeit antreten - doch er steuert unausweichlich auf sein Ende zu. Verzweifelt versucht er gegen das Unheil anzukämpfen und sucht vergebens nach der Wahrheit. Stattdessen wird er gefoltert und muss qualvolle Angriffe über sich ergehen lassen, die schwerwiegende Folgen haben...

Regie: Javor Gardev - Schauspieler: Zahari Baharov, Vladimir Penev, Mikhail Mutafov, Đoko Rosić, Antony Argirov, Aleksandar Kadiev, ...

Stolen Eyes(2005)

1 Std. 50 Min. | Historie / Geschichte, Drama
3,0/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

This is a story of strange, impossible, inexplicable love between a Muslim Turk woman and a non-Muslim Bulgarian man. Ivan (the Bulgarian) is a pure and romantic young fellow, who gets caught up in the so-called "regeneration process" (when ethnic Turks' names were forcibly changed to Bulgarian ones). He is responsible for the official seals, which is required to issue the new identity documents after the forced name changes. The schoolteacher Ayten tries to steal the seals, thinking that this way she can slow down the ethnic genocide. Their unexpected and unusual meeting brings these two characters together and makes them fell close, forcing Ivan to take a fateful decision -he must either "rename" Ayten, or face the consequences if he does not.


1 Std. 35 Min. | Drama, Thriller, Krimi
4,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

An investigator tries to solve a murder, her constant interviews with the main suspect cause the investigation to take many twists and turns as what is said is not always what is meant.

Our Private Lives(2007)

1 Std. 22 Min. | Drama
2,6/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

After a lengthy virtual relationship over the Internet, Milena and Philip take the plunge and agree to finally meet. Having lived in Montreal for over a decade, Milena, an immigrant of Bulgarian descent, accepts to greet her correspondent Philip, a flirtatious photographer from Sofia. Out in an isolated cottage in Quebec's countryside, the couple abandon themselves to one another. Between periods of cultural clashes and fleshly pleasures, the two assess each other and the possibilities for true love. But strange, uncanny events soon disrupt Milena and Philip's quiet intimacy as secrecy and silence slowly set in -nihilproductions.

Warming Up Yesterday's Lunch(2002)

1 Std. 38 Min. | Drama
2,9/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

High in the mountains of Macedonia a team of young film makers are making a documentary about Katerina Vandeva - a descendant of an ancient and very famous family. Several former state and party functionaries interfere in the filmmaking in the hopes of manipulating Katerina's confessions for their own purposes. Nikola, the director, and his friends have to make the choice - whether to compromise with their consciences and their art, (as normally happens here in the Balkans), or whether to preserve Katerina's message.

Regie: Kostadin Bonev - Schauspieler: Svetla Yancheva, Bilyana Kazakova, Snezhina Petrova, Rousy Chanev, Atanas Atanasov, Galin Stoev, ...

Warden of the Dead(2007)

1 Std. 45 Min. | Drama
3,2/5 (bei 3 Stimmen)

A thirteen year old kid, "the boy", lives and works in a cemetery. The cemetery is his whole life, and growing up with the dead instills in him an obsession and respect for death. His friends depend on him: An unhappy old man, a former political prisoner yearning for death, and makeup artist for deceased, a former artist who dreams of painting a masterpiece. The boy does what he can to help them. The old man attempts suicide, but upon learning the date of his death and seeing his beautiful plot chosen for him by the boy, he is able to bear his life. Upon meeting the beautiful Maria, "the boy" gives the former artist a surprise date with her. But when Maria and the artist become closer, the boy realizes that she is the daughter of the old man. The kid thinks the old man would die unhappy if he knew of her existence and so decides to hide the truth.

Regie: Iliyan Simeonov - Schauspieler: Itzhak Fintzi, Diana Dobreva, Samuel Finzi, Nikolai Urumov, Stefan A. Shterev, Valentin Tanev, ...

Letter to America(2001)

1 Std. 30 Min. | Drama
3,6/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Ivan's best friend, Kamen, is dying in an American hospital. Since he's denied a visa to the USA and can't stay by his side in his last moments, he decides to set off for Bulgaria countryside, taking the camera Kamen has given him. After some time, he writes her a very special letter, telling all about the places and characters he meets on his way, witnesses to a time which is bound to be forgotten.

Regie: Iglika Trifonova - Schauspieler: Ana Papadopulu, Zhoreta Nikolova, Krasimir Dokov, Maya Novoselska, Iordan Bikov, Svetla Yancheva, ...

Binka: To Tell a Story About Silence(2007)

48 Min. | Dokumentation
4,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

A film pioneer, Binka Zhelyazkova was at the forefront of political cinema under Bulgaria's Communist dictatorship. Though she remained faithful to the communist ideals she became an avid critic of the regime and brought upon herself the wrath of its censorship. As a result four of her nine films were shelved and released to the public only after the fall of the regime in 1989, and Binka Zhelyazkova became known as the bad girl of Bulgarian cinema. A provocative portrait that reveals the pressures and complexities that arise when art is made under totalitarianism.

Regie: Elka Nikolova

Fate as a Rat(2001)

1 Std. 15 Min. | Krimi, Komödie

It is a story about a group of friends who live in a small seaport town. Their lifestyle is rigorous, their joys are simple and their sex life is raw. Their concepts of man's dignity, friendship and duty are wrong and primitive. The film helps us to understand and forgive them.

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Patuvane kam Yerusalim(2003)

1 Std. 52 Min. | Drama, Krieg

Two German-Jewish children flee Nazi Germany in the early 1940s and try to escape to Palestine via Bulgaria. When their uncle dies during the journey, they are taken in by a troupe of travelling performers.

WatchPlayStream ID: LISTS:38761